Date Received: 2022-09-16
Issue: Advertising and marketing, including promotional offers
Subissue: Confusing or misleading advertising about the credit card
Consumer Complaint: American Express has discriminated against i the consumer on XX/XX/2022. This is a violation under tittle 15 chapter 41 pursuant to ( The Equal Credit Opportunity Act ) It shal be unlawful for any creditor to discriminate against any applicant, with respect to any aspect of a credit transaction - 15 USC 1691a ( 3 ) - because the applicant has in good faith exercised any right under this chapter. Under tittle 15 chapter 41 congress lets me know that credit is a right. ( Truth in Lending ACT ) 15 USC 1602f - The term credit means the RIGHT GRANTED by a creditor to a debtor to defer payment of debt or to incur debt and defer its payment. 15 USC 1681M -adverse action letter American Express has violated my consumer rights 1 ) 15 usc 1642 2 ) 15 usc 1681M 3 ) 12 CFR 1002 Both letters dated on XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX Is both proof and evidence that I have been discriminated against, you are also criminally liable American Express should resort to reasonable procedures to rectify this unfair and compensate me for the use of my Social Security number. Otherwise, this would be considered an unauthorized use since I have received no benefit.
Company Response:
State: NY
Zip: 10453
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-09-16
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-09-16
Issue: Attempts to collect debt not owed
Subissue: Debt is not yours
Consumer Complaint: In XX/XX/2021 American Express opened and increased my card limit without any authorization or without notifying me. After the card was open there was several charges made totaling over {$30000.00}. There was several charges made several times a day, to foreign companies that will not reply to my emails. The companies do not have contact numbers listed. I was not aware of the charges until I received my statement. I immediately notified American Express of the fraudulent charges, and an investigation begin. After XXXX days, I requested another investigation and disputed the charges again. The charges were removed, however, XXXX months later the charges are reappearing on my statement again as a fraud reversal. I have tried to contact American Express, however I keep getting transferred to different representatives and different departments. I have fraud protection on my account, however, American Express failed at making me aware of the suspicious charges that was allowed right after opening my card limit without my authorization. I would like have a proper investigation, receive documentation of the investigation, and an explanation of how such activity was allowed. Also, I would like an explanation of why the charges are back on my account after a settled dispute. I have attached documentation and statements of this ongoing matter.
Company Response:
State: TX
Zip: 75087
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-09-16
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-09-16
Issue: Getting a credit card
Subissue: Application denied
Consumer Complaint: After filling the application online and being denied credit, I called American Express customer service on two different occasions to get a manual reconsideradion from American Express, and both time I was told no, which now lead me to believe that I was XXXX against because I did my credit application in good faith and credit was not issued. Attached is the denial letter from American Express and another document. Furthermore, American Express claims that the reason I was denied credit it's because I have too many new bank card cards, pursuant to federal law based on the response I received from American Express, that is not a reason for me to be denied credit.
Company Response:
State: PA
Zip: 19606
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-09-16
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-09-16
Issue: Other features, terms, or problems
Subissue: Other problem
Consumer Complaint: XXXX XXXX, a consumer and natural person, was denied credit by American Express when I applied for a Credit increase of {$90000.00} on Account Ending : XXXX and received an email stating my credit limit has been reduced to {$7800.00}. Adverse action against a consumer is AGAINST THE LAW according to the Equal Credit Opportunity Act which is codified in 15 U.S.C 1691c and is pursuant to civil liability under 15 U.S.C 1692k. American Express is subject to criminal liability for violating 15 U.S.C 1691 as I have proof that I was XXXX against by American Express due to the response I received. American Express is in violation of 15 U.S. Code 1642, U.S.C 1681m and 12 cfr 1002 because I, the consumer, made an application in good faith, but credit was not issued and was reduced. Furthermore, because my social security number ( credit card ) was used and I received NO benefit. This is proof of fraudulent activity ( unauthorized use of credit card ) on behalf of American Express. If American Express fails to make any reasonable procedures to resolve this matter and compensate me for the use of my credit card I will indeed make American Express criminally and civilly liable for all actual damages pursuant to 15 USC 1681n and 15 USC 1681o. I will also follow up with an invoice for said violations ( { {$10000.00} } per violation ). Thank you, XXXX : XXXX / [ XXXX/Beneficiary ] Without Prejudice, All Natural Inalienable Rights Reserved
Company Response:
State: FL
Zip: 34759
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-09-16
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-09-16
Issue: Closing your account
Subissue: Company closed your account
Consumer Complaint: During the process of American express closing my Gold Card I was never briefed on the possibility of downgrading to a non annual fee product for which they proceed on closing the account because I did not wanted to pay the annual fee and again, never gave me the chance to keep the account open by downgrading the account. It is very unfair that I now a close account in my credit score when the company never properly educated me on all the options I had. I called twice to properly work out a solution and both time they said after being on the phone for 1 hour, that they would reach back and have not done so.
Company Response:
State: PR
Zip: 00959
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-09-16
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-09-16
Issue: Attempts to collect debt not owed
Subissue: Debt was result of identity theft
Consumer Complaint: This company has infringed on my right to privacy, I have never given this company any right to have my personal information. This company is trying to collect on an alleged debt. This company reported unverified inaccurate information to the consumer reporting agencies, which has greatly harmed my ability to offer or extend my credit to other financial institutions. This is against federal laws. This account is not mine and was opened using my personal identification without my consent. When any furnisher of information is notified pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 605B that a debt has resulted from identity theft, the furnisher may not sell, transfer, or place for collection the debt except in certain limited circumstances. Section 615 ( f ). Ive also never given this company permission to contact me which according to the FCRA is also against federal laws. I have asked numerous times for this company to stop furnishing false information to the CRAs and also for them to stop contacting me. My next step will be to file suit. This is my last time asking to please remove this account, its not mine.
Company Response:
State: CA
Zip: 92105
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-09-16
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-09-16
Issue: Fees or interest
Subissue: Charged too much interest
Consumer Complaint: American Express used to be my credit card company till unexpected happened during Covid-19 which led my card to be closed down. Before closure, I had {$1000.00} limit but then American Express was waving late fees. Fast forward to chargeoff and now my account is on {$1600.00} with interest of {$600.00} which is a lot. Ive tried to dispute to get validation but never received information or resolution about my dispute with Amex. They are making life unbearable for me by trying to charge {$600.00} from a Covid-19 survivor. It doesnt make sense at all. I would like them to be very fair with the interest as bunch of credit card companies waived alot of fees. Amex making life unbearable for me.
Company Response:
State: MD
Zip: 20774
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-09-16
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-09-16
Issue: Problem getting a card or closing an account
Subissue: Trouble closing card
Consumer Complaint: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Dear Service Representative : In early XXXX, we received an email that Bluebird decided to close our accounts. It specifically mentioned a {$500.00} refund from XXXX and that the balance in our account will be sent to us. We have not received any money, including the {$500.00} from XXXX. It has been more than two months. Bluebird suspended access to our account, locking us out of the record keeping. In addition, customer service rep XXXX on XXXX at XXXX CST said he could not access the records either, but he could see our account was suspended and to contact Bluebird via snail mail. There was no email or phone option. Hence this letter. Please send us {$500.00} each plus whatever residual was left in our account. You can verify the XXXX transaction directly with XXXX loss prevention at XXXX ( XXXX ) XXXX as properly processed on their end. In addition, Serve acknowledged receipt of the funds via email to us. As it stands, we believe Serve is in violation of banking laws and is illegally withholding {$500.00} each plus residual balance in our accounts. In addition, they are denying us access to our records to file legal claims. In addition, Bluebird believes we violated the terms of the Bluebird agreement. No such reason was ever given of what this was nor was XXXX able to provide anything. This seems be to a pretext to illegally withhold our funds. Please send us two checks immediately.
Company Response:
State: IL
Zip: 60439
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-09-16
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-09-17
Issue: Getting a credit card
Subissue: Application denied
Consumer Complaint: XX/XX/2022 American Express XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, UT XXXX RE : ADVERSE ACTION Dear American Express I XXXX the consumer, was denied credit by American Express when I applied for a Platinum card. Adverse action is AGAINST THE LAW according to the EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ACT which is codified in 15 USC 1691 and is pursuant to civil liability under 15 USC 1691 ( e ). American Express is in violation of 15 USC 1691 ( a ) ( 3 ) because I the applicant exercised my right to extended credit in good faith. 15 USC 1602 ( f ) states that credit means the right granted by a creditor to a debtor to defer payment of debt or to incur debt and defer its payment. Per 15 USC 1602 ( l ) my social security number ( credit card ) was used. I received no benefit from this consumer credit transaction which is an UNAUTHORIZED USE violation pursuant to 15 USC 1602 ( p ). This is proof of fraudulent activity ( unauthorized use of credit card ) on behalf of American Express. If American Express fails to make any fair and equitable procedures to resolve and remedy this matter and compensate me for the use of my credit card, I will indeed make American Express civilly liable for all actual damages pursuant to 15 USC 1691 ( e ). I will also follow up with an invoice for said violations ( { {$1000.00} } per violation ). Thank you,
Company Response:
State: LA
Zip: 70802
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-09-17
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-09-17
Issue: Getting a credit card
Subissue: Application denied
Consumer Complaint: I, the consumer, was denied credit by American Express when I applied for a XXXXXXXX XXXX Adverse action is AGAINST THE LAW according to the EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ACT which is codified in 15 USC 1691 and is pursuant to civil liability under 15 USC 1691 ( e ). American Express is in violation of 15 USC 1691 ( a ) ( 3 ) because I the applicant exercised my right to extended credit in good faith. 15 USC 1602 ( f ) states that credit means the right granted by a creditor to a debtor to defer payment of debt or to incur debt and defer its payment. Per 15 USC 1602 ( l ) my social security number ( credit card ) was used. I received no benefit from this consumer credit transaction which is an UNAUTHORIZED USE violation pursuant to 15 USC 1602 ( p ). This is proof of fraudulent activity ( unauthorized use of credit card ) on behalf of American Express. If American Express fails to make any fair and equitable procedures to resolve and remedy this matter and compensate me for the use of my credit card, I will indeed make American Express civilly liable for all actual damages pursuant to 15 USC 1691 ( e ). I will also follow up with an invoice for said violations ( { {$1000.00} } per violation ).
Company Response:
State: LA
Zip: 70802
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-09-17
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A