Date Received: 2023-03-04
Issue: Fees or interest
Subissue: Problem with fees
Consumer Complaint: I pay all my bills on the 1st-2nd of each month. If I can pay more later ; I will if there is a balance. I paid {$250.00} on my XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX card on XX/XX/XXXX. My minimum due is {$25.00} due by XXXX of every month. I reviewed my statement for XX/XX/XXXX and found I was charged a late fee with interest of {$25.00}. I called customer service and spoke with XXXX a rude representative and XXXX XXXX XXXX account supervisor. I was advised a late fee is charged if the bill is paid before the statement closes even if it is with in the same month. I asked her to show me this on my statement. As a consumer I had never heard of that and it certainly isn't in the bold print on my bill that says " PAY THIS AMOUNT BY THIS DATE OR THIS WILL BE CHARGED ''. I have 2 Credit Cards with Capitol One and an auto loan. I don't make it a habit of being late or receiving fees. I asked for the {$25.00} fee to be removed because this information I was not aware of. A late fee is applied in the same month as a payment meeting or exceeding minimum. I was advised they could not do this. The reasoning and charging late fees for a bill paid on time is not right.
Company Response:
State: FL
Zip: 33598
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-03-04
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-03-05
Issue: Improper use of your report
Subissue: Reporting company used your report improperly
Consumer Complaint: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ca XXXX Attn : Capital One XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, Utah XXXX To whom it may concern : In accordance with the fair credit reporting act this creditor has violated my rights under 15 usc 1681 under section 602 states I have the right to privacy, 15 usc 1681 section 604a section 2 also states that a consumer reporting agency can not furnish an account without my written instructions and lastly under 15 usc 1666b a creditor my not treat a payment on a credit card account under an open end consumer credit as late for any purpose. Because Capital one account number ending in XXXX Has violated my right with the fair credit report act Im looking for my late payment history to be deleted, which includes the months of XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX and lastly XX/XX/XXXX.
Company Response:
State: CA
Zip: 90059
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-03-05
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-03-05
Issue: Improper use of your report
Subissue: Reporting company used your report improperly
Consumer Complaint: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ca XXXX Attn : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, Utah XXXX To whom it XXXX concern : In accordance with the fair credit reporting act this creditor has violated my rights under 15 usc 1681 under section 602 states I have the right to privacy, 15 usc 1681 section 604a section 2 also states that a consumer reporting agency can not furnish an account without my written instructions and lastly under 15 usc 1666b a creditor my not treat a payment on a credit card account under an open end consumer credit as late for any purpose. Because Capital one account number ending in XXXX Has violated my right with the fair credit report act Im looking for my late payment history to be deleted, which includes the months of XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, and lastly XX/XX/XXXX.
Company Response:
State: CA
Zip: 90059
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-03-05
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-03-05
Issue: Incorrect information on your report
Subissue: Account status incorrect
Consumer Complaint: As of XX/XX/2022 The Credit bureaus stated Account Name XXXX XXXX XXXX & Account # XXXX was properly investigation but how is that possible if the open date is inaccurate, the date last active is inaccurate, and date last reported is not accurate. This ground for removal. They also they violated my rights under 15 U.S.C 1681 Section 604 A Section 2 : The law clearly states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish a account without my written instructions. I haven't given these agencies written permission to furnish these accounts on my credit report
Company Response:
State: NY
Zip: 11102
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-03-05
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-03-05
Issue: Improper use of your report
Subissue: Reporting company used your report improperly
Consumer Complaint: I have contacted Kohl 's several times about this matter. In accordance with the Fair Reporting Credit Act, Kohl 's, has violated my rights under 15 USC 1681 section 602, and states I have the right to privacy. 15usc 1681 section 604a sec 2, it also states that a consumer reporting agency can not furnish an account without my written instructions. Under 15 USC 1666b a creditor may not treat a payment on a credit card account as under an open end consumer plan as late for any purpose.
Company Response:
State: NY
Zip: 11729
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-03-05
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-03-05
Issue: Getting a credit card
Subissue: Application denied
Consumer Complaint: Hi my name is XXXX XXXX and I got a notification that my credit score went down because CAPITAL ONE BANK USA ON XX/XX/2023 checked my credit and I DID NOT APPLIED FOR ANY OF THEM CREDIT CARD AT ALL, I am seeking for some help to dispute this hard inquiry because it wasn't me, someone its trying to use my information instead, can you guys please help me with this? It shows on my credit report from XXXX and XXXX and I don't really use my credit that often. PLEASE I REALLY NEED TO REMOVED THIS HARD INQUIRY FROM MY CREDIT REPORT BECAUSE I NEED TO USE MY CREDIT VERY SOON AND I CAN NOT HAVE THIS HARD INQUIRY ON IT ESPECIALLY SINCE I DID NOT APPLIED FOR IT IT'S VERY FRUSTRATING THAT SOMEONE JUST WITH MY ADDRESS CAN APPLY FOR ME BECAUSE I AM SURE THAT WHOEVER APPLIED FOR ME DID NOT USE MY SSN BECAUSE I DONT SHARE MY INFORMATION WITH ANYONE PLEASE I REALLY NEED HELP. ALL THE BEST XXXX XXXX
Company Response:
State: FL
Zip: 33024
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-03-05
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-03-05
Issue: Improper use of your report
Subissue: Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
Consumer Complaint: The credit Bureaus are unlawfully reporting unauthorized inquiries on my consumer report! I have sent numerous letters asking them to remove the hard inquiries listed below along with the dates when they were reported : XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX CAPITAL ONE AUTO FINANCE XX/XX/XXXX XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX DBA XXXX XX/XX/XXXX
Company Response:
State: VA
Zip: 23503
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-03-05
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-03-03
Issue: Managing an account
Subissue: Banking errors
Consumer Complaint: I opened a Capital One 360 joint savings account in XXXX XXXX. At the time it maintained one of the highest interest rates available for a savings account. I checked its interest rate today and found it is 0.3 %. Capital One has a Performance Savings account which lists a 3.4 % savings rate on its website. This account appears to differ only in name from my savings account. This feels like a bait and switch. Capital One indicates they no longer offer the type of account I hold. At no point has Capital One ever communicating they were changing the status of my account, or that they were changing their account names to offer more interest elsewhere.
Company Response:
State: CO
Zip: 80210
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-03-04
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-03-03
Issue: Incorrect information on your report
Subissue: Account information incorrect
Consumer Complaint: In XX/XX/2022 while still in the middle of a pandemic I got 30 days behind on my XXXX and XXXX car payment. I was 6 months XXXX, homeless and recovering from job hour loss due to the pandemic. I also became sick with XXXX XXXX and tested positive XX/XX/XXXX, which left lasting physical affects. Also affecting my ability to work long hours. I was reinfected with the XXXX XXXX again XX/XX/2022 I reached out to the company to make arrangements to catch up and was set up on a XXXX week payment arrangement that would allow me to get caught back up. All of the payments of that arrangement where made according to the arrangement agreement. When I check my XXXX XXXX it is showing the XXXX and XXXX dates as late however it's reporting different months with other credit agencies. I reached out to XXXX XXXXXXXX by calling and emailing the XXXX XXXX XXXX explaining the situation and asking for grace. Someone from XXXX XXXX did call back and submitted that request. I recently learned the request was denied. I am filing this complaint because I believe I qualify to have these negative remarks. I also believe I am entitled to some relief and all late payments be removed under the CARES ACT. XXXX XXXX has refused to acknowledge that these incidents are pandemic related and will not make adjustments to my XXXX credit bureaus. We are still feeling the affects of the pandemic with rising cost. These remarks make it even harder for me just to get housing.
Company Response:
State: KY
Zip: 40272
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-03-20
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-03-04
Issue: Trouble using your card
Subissue: Can't use card to make purchases
Consumer Complaint: I made a payment to capital one. I have a minimal {$300.00} limit, They FROZE my card due to " fraud " this is also not the only time this has happened. There was NO FRAUD on this account and I proved it. This happened in XXXX or XXXX and I spent 4 hours trying to fix it but did not make a large complaint then trying to be a good consumer. I called on XXXX when I noticed I couldn't use my credit card even though I have available credit of {$45.00} I couldn't use it, I needed to buy gas to get around and run errands. I spoke to an agent at XXXX XXXX and they said I needed to call back after they already had me on hold for 15 mins I said I understand and was annoyed but figured I could call later. I called capital one around XXXX XXXX and got transferred to the fraud department were they didn't tell me why just said I needed to " verify the accounts on file " I verified the payments made and then was told we need to call each bank ( 3 banks on file I use to make payments.that is my right as a consumer ) to verify I own the bank accounts even though one of them was with capital one them selves. I sat on the phone for a 1 hour and 15 min with the rep and when asked for a manager I was told that I needed to do the process all over again. The bank information they were trying to verify was clearly me, but I am still on the phone with them for 2 hours and 45 mins. Then the manager told me I had to call the bank with them all over again, we did with capital one first, the first rep hung up on me the second was fine, we then tried to call the second bank ( XXXX XXXX ) and she wouldn't call them because I said I could three way the call because Capital one couldn't three way the call, they had no reason why maybe tech issues no clue no reason given, but that's a lie because the rep prior DID ALLOW me to three the calls from my line- all calls are recorded so I have proof she allowed it, MISS LEADING INFORMATION, when we got to the last verification is was on a XXXX XXXX card and there are no reps to call on XXXX XXXX so the rep had me download docs for 30 mins. I want a refund for my time spent on the phone for almost 3 hours as well as then to pay for my calls per min 180 mins I have spent on, minimum. XXXX cents per min on XXXX x 180 mins I want sent to me ... ...... When I asked the manager to release my available credit she started to say no until I yelled. My blood pressure was up XXXX talking to these reps I had to sit down, I also want to be reimbursed for them misleading information one rep telling me yes and one telling me no, also I want to be reimbursed for the fact that they keep assuming and accusing me of fraud, I would and have never been fraudulent. At the end of the call at XXXX she finally said ( manager name XXXX ) she will clear the available credit XXXX XXXX XXXX was the customer line. I was given misleading information and treated like a criminal. I would like to be reimbursed for the illegal actions they did today. FINAL TIME WAS 2 hour and 45 min. Laws Broken - fairness and transparency, misleading info, uddapp, illegally stating I was fraud.
Company Response:
State: MA
Zip: 01830
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-03-04
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A