Date Received: 2020-09-22
Issue: Other transaction problem
Consumer Complaint: My cell phone failed in early XXXX and when I was setting up my new phone, I inadvertently set up a NEW PayPal account that is " Limited ''. Two of my customers sent payments totalling {$830.00} to that new limited account but I can not access these funds. I have used PayPal Assistant and have made numerous calls to PayPal and used their automated login assistance to attempt to resolve this issue. ( My other account is functioning properly and I just want those {$830.00} transferred to my normal, active account ). When I call, Paypal 's automated system just says " we can not support your inquiry at this time '' and hangs up on me. I am unable to resolve this using their auto-system and can not reach an actual person on their phone line. When I call PayPal 's customer service number XXXX, the automated system recognizes two accounts with my cell phone number XXXX. The auto-system gives me an option under the ID / e-mail of " mail.w '' ( which of course isn't a real e-mail ). I have tried every automated system to get logged in, but I can't and there is no way to reach an actual person to assist.
Company Response:
State: TN
Zip: 382XX
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-22
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-22
Issue: Unauthorized transactions or other transaction problem
Consumer Complaint: Paypal sent an overdue balance to XXXX XXXX XXXX. I have not used paypal in so long that i can not even remember login information. I never received a bill or any overdue notice of any kind? I never used paypal for any purchases only to send and receive a payment to and from a co-worker last year. I had a XXXX balance and have not used paypal since? Trying to call them is impossible. now this collection agency is threating action on a debt that I have no knowledge or information on. I need to know about this purchase so I can dispute the charge and see who is fraudulently using the account. Thank-you.
Company Response:
State: AZ
Zip: 85282
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-22
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-21
Issue: Money was not available when promised
Consumer Complaint: I need transfer money from PayPal account to my XXXX XXXX checking account. Was happen once and was working fine. ( XXXX ) after this bank was removed from my account ( by Paypal ) and since this time I can't link this bank again and transfer my money. Paypal support is terrible I can't call because system end call before anybody answer the call and say sorry ... Support by email is not working they ignore my messages and never fix anything. Last Friday XXXX XXXX ) I spoke with real person ( they call me ) I was tell I need to wait XXXX before I can add my bank and transfer my money. Nothing works, is still not working and I'm back to binging. They hold my money and look like they want benefit from this or something. PayPal service and support is the worse I aver experience in my life. Nobody do anything is just empty promises and text exchange. I use this account for XXXX sell and is shame XXXX is involve in this terrible service, where they keep my money long as they want and nobody can do anything and check how many people have the same problems.
Company Response:
State: NJ
Zip: 078XX
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-21
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-21
Issue: Fraud or scam
Consumer Complaint: CFPB - XX/XX/2020 Complaint On XX/XX/2020, a Client of ours filed with PayPal ( PP ) for a {$410.00} refund ( PP Transaction ID XXXX, Case # XXXX ), which {$410.00} PP immediately removed from our PP account. The {$410.00} was a NON-REFUNDABLE down payment by the Client for a unique, customized handmade device we made for the Client thru our company, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ). We filed a dispute with PP, XX/XX/2020. PP states on its site that these types of disputes are normally resolved in 5 days. Now, 60 days have expired and PP still has not returned our money. When we filed our dispute with PP about this chargeback, we provided PP detailed contract information to prove that the Client was NOT entitled to any refund. However, PP assumes it can override contracts between buyer and seller just on any whim, regardless of what type of item was sold or the provisions of the contract. But we suspect that the real purpose for PP to take ultra-long periods to resolve complaints or to never resolve them is to float or outright steal the withheld money. To do that, we believe that PP engaged in fiduciary malpractice and third-party interference into a legally-binding contract. In short, clearly PP stole our money. XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX creates unique and customized electronic and mechanical devices, based on the specifications the Client specifies in our Customized Devices Application Form ( CDAF ) contract. Our customized devices are not available from any other source. The CDAF requires that the applicant Client fully and unconditionally agrees to the provisions of our XXXX webpage. These policies state the following, which PP nullified :. ( 1 ) The required 1/3rd down payment ( {$410.00} in our case, paid for thru PP ) is NON REFUNDABLE if we attempt to provide the Client a device. We completed and successfully tested our device, and the Client received our device, so therefore, the down payment is not refundable. On this alone, PP had no right to honor the Client 's complaint. . ( 2 ) Because our devices are unique and customized handmade by professionals in the U.S.A., they are much more costly for us to make than mass-produced devices using low-paid factory workers, AND our unique devices can not be resold if returned, is why we require on our XXXX webpage that if the Client finds a defect or omission that occurred at our end, the Client must provide us a reasonable opportunity to repair or replace the defect or omission. The Client did not take this required step. . ( 3 ) On our XXXX webpage, the Client fully agrees to not reverse any charges without first giving us a fair chance to repair or replace the device. PP enabled the Client to also breach this contract provision. . ( 4 ) The device has not even been returned to us! Much less returned to us with the Return ID # we require for safety and security reasons to make sure that the package is one expected by us. PP claims that the Client provided PP a Tracking #, but in the U.S., one can reserve a Tracking # without actually physically shipping the package. . ( 5 ) Against our policies about not paying us thru PP ( because PP has serious security issues ), the Client paid the {$410.00} thru PP. We finally relented on accepting the PP payment, because the Client needed the device right away and we did not want to delay any longer, and because hassling Clients is seldom a good thing. . ( 6 ) We shipped her device in excellent working condition. We tested it here and it was fully functional. The Client is located in XXXX, and complained that her package was being held up in XXXX, which means that XXXX Customs likely manhandled the device. We ship FOB our shipping point ( one of our XXXX policies ), and are not responsible for damages and losses which occur enroute or at the Client 's end. If PP is permitted to arbitrarily, capriciously and for its own profit nullify business contracts, then how can businesses even have contracts with their Clients to begin with? This is a gross interference and disruption of businesses and an existential threat to the free enterprise system. There are vast differences in what businesses require to successfully function, make a profit, and provide their quality products and services to the public, so a one-size-fits-all PP refund policy can not possibly be fair and reasonable to all business types. And PP policies can change on a dime, without prior notice to or permission from PP users. PP policies may work fine for someone selling items that can be restocked and resold that lose little if a product is returned, but because our devices are all unique, custom made and costly, if refunded without reasonable justification and a chance to make good, is a large total loss to custom shops like us. Therefore, it is a very reasonable contract provision for us to require that the Client first give us a fair chance to repair or replace the device, which this Client did not do, before asking for any kind of a refund, and to require receipt of the returned item if a return later becomes justified. Regardless of what PP claims, PP has the fiduciary duty to us to responsibly, fairly, reasonably and timely handle transactions of ours thru PP. We complained to PP several times about both their unjustified ripping us off of {$410.00} from our PP account and the endless amount of time it was taking to resolve our case. PP refused to justify the former, or give us an end date for the latter. It is difficult and some times impossible to communicate with PP. XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX.
Company Response:
State: NM
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-21
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-21
Issue: Unauthorized transactions or other transaction problem
Consumer Complaint: In XXXX, I contacted PayPal after recieving an alert that my password had been changed. I had not changed my password and when I logged in, I saw that a debit card that did not belong to me had been added to the account. I was not able to get anyome on the phone so I communicted via PayPal 's message center with an agent. I was blown off and treated like the card was obviously added by somone in my household. I insisted it was not. I asked if a merchant could have added it as a form of a credit for a return and got not real answer so I left the card on my account thinking it must have been that. Fast forward to XXXX XXXX. I again got an email in the middle of the night confirmiong I had changed my password. I had not. This was followed by a half-dozen emails from PayPal about transactions I had nothing to do with. I never sold anything to anyone or requested money from anyone. The person who hacked the account, had money sent to the debit card I had alerted PayPal to months before. I quickly deleted the debit card and tried to contact PayPal. I got a basic message back telling me I was smart to delete the card and that was it. In the meantime, all these people opened cases against me for refunds. The choices I am given to respond are : I alrwady refunded them, I will refund them or I shipped the item. I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF THESE TRANSACTIONS!! And those are the choices they give you. I have called no less than a hundred times but yuo can't get an agent over the phone. I have emailed them the entire story with no response. I have tried their " Virtual agent '' again and no one responds. The cases total around {$500.00}! This is insane. PayPal 's security failed me and they are charging me for it. It seems like an obvious scam - adding a debit card to someone's account and then getting money sent to the card and transferring it from there. But PayPal blew me off when I reported it and now I can not even get a human being to help me. On top of that, the people who got conned have my email address from the transaction and have sent me threatening emails for taking their money. So not ony has PayPal disregarded my financial security but my personal safety as well.
Company Response:
State: FL
Zip: 33611
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-21
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-21
Issue: Money was not available when promised
Consumer Complaint: My fianc sent me money via vemno and then i got an email alert advising my account had been frozen. I reached out to venmo after submitting my drivers license to inquire on why i had a frozen account. The reps could only tell me that the team who handles my request will get back to me within 5-7 days and close out my chat. despite a number of contacts trying to get information on who to speak to or what is going on. no one will provide me with anything. my fianc has validated the funds and her identity with the company and so have i. yet i still keep getting the run around. All i keep being told is that someone will reach out in 7 business days or 10- business days. they will not produce a reason for the funds being held even though they were ACH and already drafted from the senders account. They will not give me any advice on when the funds will be ready for use either. This is unacceptable and deceptive and very very unfair practices to consumers. We should be given notice if funds are being held and notice as to why. Along with how long the funds will be held. I want the funds released for use or returned to the sender immediately. funds transfer XX/XX/2020 XXXX am I made contact with them immediately 7 times and each time i am told someone will get back to me without any additional details.
Company Response:
State: WI
Zip: 530XX
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-21
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-21
Issue: Problem with a purchase shown on your statement
Subissue: Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Consumer Complaint: I made a purchase with a XXXX on XX/XX/20. I used Paypal for safety. After the online transaction I suddenly noticed that the original cost differed form Paypal 's payment and that the receiver of my money was not the XXXX store, but a " XXXX ''? I immediately attempted to contact the merchant repeatedly, but could not. Therefore, I attempted to dispute the purchase with Paypal 's resolution center, but could not since this purchase was not listed on my activity page of Paypal. I was afraid of sever monetary loss from my bank account so I immediately cancelled the card and reported the suspected fraud the my bank " XXXX '', which the card is from. The bank investigated and denied the claim, and informed me that any documentation involved with this determination would be available. I requested it and have received none. I contacted them and reopened another claim after sending them my Paypal statement, and the merchant 's invoice hoping this would help since they did not get it from me on the first claim. However, this second claim was denied. I have removed close to a XXXX XXXX dollars from this account since to be safe. The current invoice stated that the order is " processing '' and I have never received any item from this order. This loss is Paypal 's fault and I should not have needed to get my bank involve, had Paypal provide the service they are used for. They refuse to help me since I needed to get my bank involved as a last resort. I guess I have to except the loss, never use Paypal and find a new bank. Paypal should be the one being investigated for their inadequate operations. Isn't Paypal used to prevent these occurrences? Not walk away from a loss involving someone else 's money.
Company Response:
State: NJ
Zip: 07726
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-10-06
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-20
Issue: Fraud or scam
Consumer Complaint: Someone tried to open a Paypal account using my ID information. It was not approved based on Risk of Invalid identity. I called the Company to let them know. They said it was not approved anyway. My reference number for the letter that I received is XXXX is from Paypal dated XXXX I put a Credit Freeze on my three Credit Reports and also have a I have an identity Protection service. On XX/XX/2020 I received a paypal cash card for me to activate it. I really believe that Paypal is doing the Scamming. When I call them it direct me to put in the card number with my SSN.
Company Response:
State: MD
Zip: 20744
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-20
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-21
Issue: Fraud or scam
Consumer Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX I was contacted via email " XXXX '' by someone claiming to be " XXXX XXXX - HR Process Specialist at XXXX XXXX '' regarding " Social Media Manager '' position at mentioned company. They had listed series of questions about my familiarity with the position, my previous experiences and behavioral questions and wanted me to respond and email them back. I did so on XX/XX/XXXX and they replied on XX/XX/XXXX stating they have decided to move forward with my application and extend an offer. They had also asked for my mailing address and phone number. I saw their email on XX/XX/XXXX and expressed my interest to proceed. Then, someone named " XXXX XXXX '' from " XXXX '' emailed me on XX/XX/XXXX, congratulated me and sent me the job offer attached to the email. I looked up this person on XXXX and confirmed he is a HR Manager at XXXX XXXX. The job offer covered the usuals in a job offer, went over pay rate for training and afterwards, etc. and had company logo and address and also watermarked with company name and logo. They wanted me to sign and return with a photo of my driver 's license. I signed and sent my DL the same day and then later that day XXXX XXXX emailed me and stated that they will send me a check for me to order the items they had listed ( computer and software packages ) from their vendors to set up my workstation. She/they emailed me again on XX/XX/XXXX and confirmed they are going to mail the check. They did so via XXXX Overnight ( origin address XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, MO XXXX ) that day and I received a check on XX/XX/XXXX morning in the amount of {$4900.00}. I confirmed to XXXX XXXX that check was received the same day and I was asked to deposit the check and send them the receipt. I deposited the check via XXXX mobile app and it became available immediately. I sent the receipt same day, then XXXX emailed me the next day on XX/XX/XXXX and asked me to be in contact with them via XXXX App ( user : @ intpaper ) as that is their communication platform at the company. I created an account on Telegram and messaged the mentioned user and introduced myself. Someone named " XXXX XXXX '' messaged me back and stated she is a Human Resource Manager at XXXX XXXX and was assigned to guide me on the next steps toward the training process. And, asked if I can start the training the next which I said yes. Then, she said she will inform the department and asked if I have any instant payment app, as the vendor needs to confirm payment before shipping the workstation equipments. I responded with Venmo and XXXX. She then asked me to deposit {$2000.00} via Venmo to user @ XXXX - XXXX XXXX with memo : TRN-EQ and to share receipt with her, which I did. Then she asked to send {$1100.00} via XXXX to XXXX XXXX - XXXX with memo : App-WS and share receipt. XXXX did not allow me to send more than {$500.00} and she said it is fine and we can transfer the rest tomorrow. Then, she got back to me and asked to cancel the XXXX XXXX and instead to try to send {$1100.00} via XXXX to XXXX XXXX - XXXX to see if with this user it goes through, again XXXX did not allow to send more than {$500.00} which I transferred and shared the receipt. She then asked me to be on standby for next steps. The next day on XX/XX/XXXX, I logged in to my bank account and realized the check was returned and my account has negative balance since the {$2500.00} was processed. I contacted XXXX immediately, they informed me that this has been a scam and the check account is cancelled/frozen and the only option is to dispute two transactions and contact Venmo as well. Since XXXX is through XXXX, it can be disputed only through XXXX. I filed two disputes with XXXX. Then, I contacted Venmo via email ( as phone call was not responded due to COVID ). Venmo replied to me later that day, stating that " Based on the information you have provided, it sounds like the person you were transacting with did not fulfill their end of transaction and there is nothing we can do. We recommend to contact the person directly. If you are unable to, you may consider filing a report to local law enforcement. They can request for information we have on file. '' I filed a report to, local police ( my county Sheriff 's office ), Consumer Protection and Federal Trade Commission and as of today ( XX/XX/XXXX ) still waiting to hear back from them. Lastly, XXXX closed both my disputes as authorized transactions. I believe, XXXX did not do their due diligence in protecting me as a consumer of their banking services for over 7 years. I do understand how convenient the mobile deposit is, however, if the fund had not been made immediately available, or if the verification process of the check account had not taken 2 days, I would have not transfered those amounts to the scammers. Further, it seems to me there is no consumer protection built in to Venmo process and its integration with banks such as XXXX. I contacted both companies in less than 24 hours from the time of transfers and neither offered me any protection whatsoever. I have been looking for a job for over 5 months now and had only {$2000.00} in savings. I am only hoping that all these reports will find a resolution for this matter and appreciate CFPB looking into this. I have maintained all records and can provide upon request.
Company Response:
State: TX
Zip: 780XX
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-21
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-21
Issue: Confusing or missing disclosures
Consumer Complaint: The company is paypal. Pay pal shut down my account XXXX XXXX. Paypal is not giving me a reason why it was shutdown. Im totally lost on why. My wife past away a few years ago I dont know if my wife did something to my account somehow in the past but I cant fiqure out why and getting no answer. I did nothing wrong with paypal and would like to talk to someone to resolve this issue.
Company Response:
State: GA
Zip: 30080
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-21
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A