Date Received: 2020-09-20
Issue: Fraud or scam
Consumer Complaint: A user named XXXX XXXX, XXXX named, had a posting on ebay for a motherboard and XXXX Rampage XXXX motherboard. He said he could be reached by email XXXX. I talked with this person about him sending a motherboard after purchase. He promised to send me one after I paid in full. I did 5-6 installed payments of XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, and XXXX. I paid my last payment of XXXX dollars to him on paypal XX/XX/2020. Instead of sending the motherboard, he said to me he changed his mind and that he was not going to send me one and ghosted me. This guy is a fraudster, paypal let me know to report to FTC and CFPB about this person who frauds people promising stuff. He even had fake reviews which most were not true. This is a warning to those to stay clear of this guy.
Company Response:
State: AZ
Zip: 85031
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-20
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-20
Issue: Unexpected or other fees
Consumer Complaint: someone transferred {$4000.00} to me via pay pay and i was charged {$110.00} I dont feel i should be paying a fee on payments sent to me so i tried calling paypal to either transfer fee to sender or cancel payment i called for hours and there is no customer service representative available to help. i went through automated system that accidentally refunded the payment but charged me again. no emails, messages or calls are being answered. I want the full payment of {$4000.00} to be sent back to sender, i dont want to pay a fee an i want my account closed
Company Response:
State: FL
Zip: 32205
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-20
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-20
Issue: Closing your account
Subissue: Can't close your account
Consumer Complaint: I've been the victim of identity theft, a paypal debit card was established in my name fraudulently. I received the card in the mail and have a account that I did not establish. Paypal customer service lines will not pick up phone calls ever it will always go to a line that hangs up ; and using their chat service I've gotten no resolution to identifying the fraudulent account to close it. I've been told to cut up the card, and have been given other non-answers to fix fraudulent charges on my account which is not resolving the issue of fraud at all. I've been trying to resolve this issue for over a week and it has not been handled appropriately. At this point the customer service has not taken any information to identify and close the fraudulently created account. I'm raising this issue because their customer service is not taking the issue of fraud and identify theft seriously by ignoring my issue.
Company Response:
State: IL
Zip: 603XX
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-10-06
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-20
Issue: Unauthorized transactions or other transaction problem
Consumer Complaint: I received a payment to my account and I initiated a instant transfer to my bank account. The transaction was frozen because i was being asked to identify my identity. I upload the documents and then told that my bank froze the transaction. My bank lets me know that they dont have any record of any incoming transfer. In the meantime Im being told that my funds are being held and my account is blocked because I havent given them my Drivers liscence, wich I uploaded when I first was asked to. Next Im told my account is closed and No longer can use their services. Eventually I receive a notification saying my account was credited the money I transferred and the transaction was canceled by the company. In my Account it never shows the balance Amount that was just credited to my account. Eventually I am told that the company sent my money to the sender and since Im no longer allowed to use Venmo I have to find another way Of getting my money back. They not only lied to me by saying my bank froze my account when my bank never even seen the transaction they took my money that was credited to my account and made a transaction to send it back to sender, a transaction that I didnt request
Company Response:
State: CO
Zip: 80917
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-20
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-19
Issue: Fraud or scam
Consumer Complaint: It started on XX/XX/2020. I put a pair of cowboy boots up on offer up for XXXX dollars. I was contacted by a man or woman. And happy to see that they wanted to buy them. What was kinda weird was that he wanted me to to ship them to an address in Florida. He even said he would give me XXXX dollars Instead of XXXX. So that any expenses would be covered for shipping. I thought it wouldnt be a problem to mail it out. He/she said they would send me the money through PayPal. And I had never had PayPal before so I downloaded it. Then I proceeded to send him/her a link so they would be able to send me funds. He said I dont press on links, for security reasons. So he insisted for me to send him my email linked to my PayPal so that he could send me money. I did and I receive an email from XXXX. This email gave me instructions on where to ship the boots. So I followed them and shipped the boots. So finally the email said in order to receive the XXXX dollars from the buyer I needed to provide the tracking number for the package. So I did, then to my surprise I received an email from PayPal again saying that I couldnt receive my funds from the buyer because my account was not a business user. So to make the story shorter I was asked to send PayPal XXXX out of my own pocket and I believe I was scammed around XXXX dollars. Please contact me for any more information. PayPal wont give me an agent to talk to
Company Response:
State: CA
Zip: 92840
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-19
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-19
Issue: Confusing or missing disclosures
Consumer Complaint: Dear CFPB, My name is XXXX XXXX XXXX. My complaint is against PayPal. My PayPal merchant ID is XXXX. I am the XXXX XXXX at our local church by the name of XXXX XXXX XXXX. I started the PayPal account for our XXXX XXXX charity operations. I am writing to complain about the unscrupulous business practices of PayPal. Since around XX/XX/2020 my account has been frozen and I am no longer able to conduct business with my account. PayPal allows me to receive payments from my e-book customers, donors and friends but I am not allowed to make any payments or withdrawals from my account for three consecutive months now. PayPal 's compliance department requested for official documentation including bank statements and proof of address which I gladly provided. PayPal has since repeatedly promised to call me directly on several occasions but has never called. I sent messages through the PayPal message center concerning this but they gave no explanation as to why they have repeatedly failed to contact me as promised. I have sent repeated messages complaining about this issue. Some of my messages are completely ignored. I have over USD {$26000.00} in this account. I have bills and employees to pay. My credit is being adversely affected because of the freeze on my account. I have submitted all of the official documentation required by PayPal 's compliance department but even after I submitted the documents PayPal went quiet. Their operations are very suspicious and I fear that my funds may have been stolen by PayPal. Any assistance CFPB can provide in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Regards, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
Company Response:
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-19
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-19
Issue: Fraud or scam
Consumer Complaint: Hello, I've used Pay Pal to pay for products / services ... They NEVER honor my request for a return of funds when products / services are not delivered. They ALWAYS side with dishonorable companies and force one to go to their personal bank to resolve .. PLEASE look into this, I thought they had to have insurance for this sort of FRAUD but they NEVER regardless of amount or incident return your money. I have things not show up, not be delivered and every time I try to resolve they either ignore the request or side unreasonably with the fraudulent company.
Company Response:
State: CA
Zip: 90024
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-25
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-19
Issue: Managing, opening, or closing your mobile wallet account
Consumer Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX I received a payment through my PayPal business account in the amount of {$2500.00} Not only have I still not received my money due to a " hold '' on my account, my money PayPal won't release to me, PayPal has also charged me a fee of {$160.00}. Im sorry but PayPal I'm over being used and robbed from use I pray the credit bureau can put a stop to this! Thank You for your time, XXXX XXXX PayPal account info user name : XXXX invoice XXXX payment of {$2500.00} from XXXX XXXX XXXX email : XXXX card ending XXXX
Company Response:
State: CA
Zip: 95965
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-19
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-19
Issue: Money was not available when promised
Consumer Complaint: I received money for an eBay sale through PayPal, but after claiming it PayPal " permanently '' closed my account and said they'd keep the funds for six months, despite XXXX saying it was available. The customer support hasn't been responsive and I of course haven't done anything suspicious with the account. This prevents me from selling anything else and cancelled all my subscriptions with PP. - On XX/XX/XXXX I sold an item on eBay to someone. They received it but didn't remember to file positive feedback. - I hadn't connected my XXXX and PayPal account, so on XX/XX/XXXX I did this by adding the email to PayPal. - On XX/XX/XXXX they locked my account. - I reminded the XXXX buyer to file positive feedback and they did ; XXXX said I'd get the funds but I did not. - On XX/XX/XXXX I got an email from PayPal saying the funds are available, but I can't withdraw them. I connected PayPal on twitter to ask about it. They didn't respond for a week, but then said they'd look into it. It has been another week since then and I haven't got a response.
Company Response:
State: CA
Zip: 94086
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-19
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2020-09-19
Issue: Managing, opening, or closing your mobile wallet account
Consumer Complaint: Sometime before XXXX, PayPal allowed someone else to add my email address to their account. This has caused them to receive transfers going to me, and there is no way to reclaim them. On XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX Rewards sent a payment to my email, which I didn't receive. I called PayPal support to ask about this ; they said there was nothing they could do and to contact the sender or receiver. XXXX doesn't have customer support so I can't contact them. I sent a money request to the receiver for the amount but never got a reply, and of course I can't contact them since it's my own email address. Just recently ( XX/XX/XXXX ) the request I sent was cancelled. This caused PayPal to send me an email with the other person 's real-looking name and real email address. This seems like an inappropriate disclosure of their personal info, even if they do have my money.
Company Response:
State: CA
Zip: 94086
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2020-09-19
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A