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"Products" offered by EQUIFAX, INC. with at least one, but usually more complaints:

Bank account or service - Checking account
Bank account or service - Other bank product/service
Checking or savings account -
Checking or savings account - CD (Certificate of Deposit)
Checking or savings account - Checking account
Checking or savings account - Other banking product or service
Checking or savings account - Savings account
Consumer Loan - Installment loan
Consumer Loan - Personal line of credit
Consumer Loan - Vehicle lease
Consumer Loan - Vehicle loan
Credit card -
Credit card - General-purpose credit card or charge card
Credit card - Store credit card
Credit card or prepaid card - General-purpose credit card or charge card
Credit card or prepaid card - General-purpose prepaid card
Credit card or prepaid card - Gift card
Credit card or prepaid card - Government benefit card
Credit card or prepaid card - Store credit card
Credit reporting -
Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports - Credit reporting
Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports - Other personal consumer report
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports - Credit repair services
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports - Credit reporting
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports - Other personal consumer report
Debt collection - Auto
Debt collection - Auto debt
Debt collection - Credit card
Debt collection - Credit card debt
Debt collection - Federal student loan
Debt collection - Federal student loan debt
Debt collection - I do not know
Debt collection - Medical
Debt collection - Medical debt
Debt collection - Mortgage
Debt collection - Mortgage debt
Debt collection - Non-federal student loan
Debt collection - Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)
Debt collection - Other debt
Debt collection - Payday loan debt
Debt collection - Private student loan debt
Debt collection - Rental debt
Debt collection - Telecommunications debt
Debt or credit management - Credit repair services
Debt or credit management - Debt settlement
Debt or credit management - Mortgage modification or foreclosure avoid
Debt or credit management - Student loan debt relief
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Debt settlement
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Domestic (US) money transfer
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Foreign currency exchange
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Mobile or digital wallet
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Money order
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Money order, traveler's check or cashier's
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Refund anticipation check
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Traveler's check or cashier's check
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Virtual currency
Mortgage - Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)
Mortgage - Conventional fixed mortgage
Mortgage - Conventional home mortgage
Mortgage - FHA mortgage
Mortgage - Home equity loan or line of credit
Mortgage - Home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC)
Mortgage - Other mortgage
Mortgage - Other type of mortgage
Mortgage - Reverse mortgage
Mortgage - VA mortgage
Other financial service - Refund anticipation check
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan -
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan - Installment loan
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan - Payday loan
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan - Personal line of credit
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan - Title loan
Payday loan, title loan, personal loan, or advance loan - Installment loan
Payday loan, title loan, personal loan, or advance loan - Other advances of future income
Payday loan, title loan, personal loan, or advance loan - Payday loan
Payday loan, title loan, personal loan, or advance loan - Personal line of credit
Payday loan, title loan, personal loan, or advance loan - Title loan
Prepaid card - Gift or merchant card
Student loan - Federal student loan servicing
Student loan - Non-federal student loan
Student loan - Private student loan
Vehicle loan or lease - Lease
Vehicle loan or lease - Loan
Vehicle loan or lease - Title loan

Select another page to read more about how -real people- receive -real harm- from these banks, credit bureaus, and others.
Complaint ID: 8059148

Date Received: 2023-12-27

Issue: Incorrect information on your report

Subissue: Information belongs to someone else

Consumer Complaint: Kindly address this issue on my credit report. I assert that this account is not mine and believe it to be fraudulent. I urge you to correct this mistake and have provided supporting documents for verification.

Company Response:

State: IL

Zip: 60426

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-12-27

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 8059130

Date Received: 2023-12-27

Issue: Incorrect information on your report

Subissue: Personal information incorrect

Consumer Complaint: Please take a look at the attached letters and ID docs for verification that it is I XXXX XXXX filing this complaint. The stuff on my credit report is wrong.

Company Response:

State: NH

Zip: 03054

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-12-27

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 8059118

Date Received: 2023-12-27

Issue: Improper use of your report

Subissue: Reporting company used your report improperly

Consumer Complaint: In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting act. The List of accounts below has violated my federally protected consumer rights to privacy and confidentiality under 15 USC 1681. Account name : # XXXX, Account name : # XXXX, Account name : # XXXX, Account name : # XXXX, has violated my rights. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 602 A. States I have the right to privacy. 15 U.S.C 1681 Section 604 A Section 2 : It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish a account without my written instructions 15 U.S.C 1681c. ( a ) ( 5 ) Section States : no consumer reporting agency may make any consumer report containing any of the following items of information Any other adverse item of information, other than records of convictions of crimes which antedates the report by more than seven years. 15 U.S.C. 1681s-2 ( A ) ( 1 ) A person shall not furnish any information relating to a consumer to any consumer reporting agency if the person knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the information is inaccurate.

Company Response:

State: TX

Zip: 79936

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-12-27

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 8059109

Date Received: 2023-12-26

Issue: Incorrect information on your report

Subissue: Information belongs to someone else

Consumer Complaint: My information was sold and bought illegally because I was a victim of the Equifax Data Breach. I want these items deleted from my credit report effective immediately. I am attaching proof that Equifax has admitted that I was in fact a victim of this Data Breach and Equifax has done nothing. Please help me delete these illegal accounts from my credit report. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX

Company Response:

State: PA

Zip: 151XX

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-12-26

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 8059107

Date Received: 2023-12-26

Issue: Improper use of your report

Subissue: Reporting company used your report improperly

Consumer Complaint: In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting act. The List of accounts below has violated my federally protected consumer rights to privacy and confidentiality under 15 USC 1681. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, has violated my rights. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 602 A. States I have the right to privacy. 15 U.S.C 1681 Section 604 A Section 2 : It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish a account without my written instructions 15 U.S.C 1681c. ( a ) ( 5 ) Section States : no consumer reporting agency may make any consumer report containing any of the following items of information Any other adverse item of information, other than records of convictions of crimes which antedates the report by more than seven years. 15 U.S.C. 1681s-2 ( A ) ( 1 ) A person shall not furnish any information relating to a consumer to any consumer reporting agency if the person knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the information is inaccurate.

Company Response:

State: TX

Zip: 799XX

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-12-26

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 8059099

Date Received: 2023-12-26

Issue: Improper use of your report

Subissue: Reporting company used your report improperly

Consumer Complaint: To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to officially dispute the information found in my consumer report, as provided by your agency. Upon thorough review, I discovered that undisclosed personal information about me has been shared with a non-affiliated third party without obtaining my written consent. This action seems to be in violation of the regulations outlined in 15 U.S. Code 6802 - Obligations with Respect to Disclosures of Personal Information. In accordance with my understanding of the Fair Credit Reporting Act ( FCRA ), I have the right to be informed about and control the disclosure of my personal information. The disclosure to a non-affiliated third party raises concerns about my privacy rights, as I was never given the opportunity to opt-out, as mandated by law. Upon careful examination of the report, I noticed that specific accounts are being reported without my written consent. It is crucial to clarify that my dispute is not with the creditor but with your reporting agency for disseminating and reporting information without proper authorization. I refer to 15 USC 1681b - Permissible Purpose, which mandates a consumer 's written consent for the reporting of personal information. Presently, I have not provided such written consent, and I kindly request documentation to validate my consent, demonstrating compliance with this legal requirement. Failure to provide evidence of my consent could be considered a violation of my rights under the FCRA. Additionally, I have filed a report with the Federal Trade Commission ( FTC ) regarding this matter, and the reference number for my complaint is XXXX. I believe that the unauthorized disclosure and reporting of my personal information may constitute a violation under 18 USC 1028a, potentially constituting identity theft. Pursuant to 15 USC 1681c-2, I formally request the removal of the following accounts from my consumer report within XXXX business days from the date of this letter : Account Name : XXXX XXXX XXXX Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXX XXXX XXXX Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXX XXXX XXXX Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXX XXXX XXXX Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX Account Number : XXXX Unauthorized Inquiries XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Inquiry date : XX/XX/2022 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Inquiry date : XX/XX/2022 I affirm my right to a fair and accurate credit reporting process, emphasizing that the swift removal of these accounts is crucial to rectifying the reported inaccuracies. Furthermore, I request documentation regarding your method of verification for the disputed accounts and records showing proof of my option to opt out of the information being reported in my consumer report. This will ensure that your reporting agency adheres to the necessary standards for accuracy and fairness in credit reporting. I anticipate your prompt attention to this matter and the resolution of my dispute within the specified time frame of XXXX business days. Non-compliance with the provisions of the FCRA may result in further legal action. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Company Response:

State: FL

Zip: 33570

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-12-26

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 8059095

Date Received: 2023-12-26

Issue: Improper use of your report

Subissue: Reporting company used your report improperly

Consumer Complaint: In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act. The list of accounts below has violated my federally protected consumer rights to privacy and confidentiality under 15 USC 1681 and 15 USC 1692. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX 15 U.S.C 1681 Section 602 A. States I have the right to privacy 15 U.S.C 1681 Section 604 Section 2. It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish a account without my written instructions. 15U.S.C 1681c. ( a ) ( 5 ) Section States : no consumer reporting agency may make any consumer report containing any of the following items of information. Any other adverse item of information, other than records of convictions of crimes which antedates the report by more than seven years. 15 U.S.C. 1681s-2 ( A ) ( 1 ) A person shall not furnish any information relating to a consumer to any consumer reporting agency if the person knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the information is inaccurate. The Fair Dept Collection Practices Act is intended to protect consumers against abusive, and deceptive debt collection practices and I have been abused and deceived so be it ; fact, affiant is aware and has proof in the attachment labeled as Exhibit A that XXXX XXXX XXXX is in violation of 15 USC 1692b ( 5 ). The Fair Dept Collection Practices Act is intended to protect consumer rights against A debt collector communicating with a consumer in connection with the collection of any debt unless permission is given. ; fact, affiant is aware and has proof in the attachment labeled as Exhibit A that XXXX XXXX XXXX is in violation of 15 USC1692c ( A ). The Fair Dept Collection Practices Act is intended to protect consumers against a debt collector communicating with any person other than the consumer for the purpose of acquiring location information about the consumer shall not state that such consumer owes any debt. fact affiant is aware and has proof in the attachment labeled as Exhibit A that XXXX XXXX XXXX is in violation of 15 USC 1692b ( 2 ). The Fair Dept Collection Practices Act is intended to protect consumers against the use of obscene or profane language or language the natural consequence of which is to abuse the hearer or reader. fact affiant is aware and has proof in the attachment labeled as Exhibit A that XXXX XXXX XXXX is in violation of 15 USC1692d ( 2 ). The Fair Dept Collection Practices Act is intended to protect consumers against abusive, and deceptive debt collection practices and I have been abused and deceived so be it ; fact, affiant is aware and has proof in the attachment labeled as Exhibit A that XXXX XXXX XXXX is in violation of 15 USC 1692b ( 5 ). The Fair Dept Collection Practices Act is intended to protect consumer rights against A debt collector communicating with a consumer in connection with the collection of any debt unless permission is given. ; fact, affiant is aware and has proof in the attachment labeled as Exhibit A that XXXX XXXX XXXX is in violation of 15 USC1692c ( A ). The Fair Dept Collection Practices Act is intended to protect consumers against a debt collector communicating with any person other than the consumer for the purpose of acquiring location information about the consumer shall not state that such consumer owes any debt. fact affiant is aware and has proof in the attachment labeled as Exhibit A that XXXX XXXX XXXX is in violation of 15 USC 1692b ( 2 ). The Fair Dept Collection Practices Act is intended to protect consumers against the use of obscene or profane language or language the natural consequence of which is to abuse the hearer or reader. fact affiant is aware and has proof in the attachment labeled as Exhibit A that XXXX XXXX XXXX is in violation of 15 USC1692d ( 2 ). These inaccuracies are causing me to be unable to purchase a home for my family. The constant harassment and reporting are affecting my ability to purchase a home and car.

Company Response:

State: MD

Zip: 206XX

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-12-26

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 8059082

Date Received: 2023-12-27

Issue: Incorrect information on your report

Subissue: Information belongs to someone else

Consumer Complaint: I'm sending this compliant to inform credit bureaus that the following companies made unauthorized inquiries on my personal credit report. I have listed the names of the companies below, and the dates the inquiries were made. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX

Company Response:

State: NJ

Zip: 07087

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-12-27

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 8059074

Date Received: 2023-12-27

Issue: Incorrect information on your report

Subissue: Old information reappears or never goes away

Consumer Complaint: It has come to my attention that my credit account with you remains compromised. Despite submitting an FTC fraud report XXXX XXXXXXXX it appears that items are not being removed. On XXXX XXXX XXXX following the purchase of a credit report from XXXX, I discovered unverifiable information on my personal profile. The presence of charge-offs, collection accounts, and inquiries continues to adversely affect my credit records. Regrettably, despite my consistent efforts, which include monthly credit report purchases and ongoing disputes through XXXX XXXX, no remedial actions have been taken on your part. In response to a call to your department, I was advised to submit a written request along with a copy of the identity theft report ( FTC report # : XXXX ). I have had no transactional history with the items listed below. Therefore, I urge your assistance in promptly removing the charged-off collection accounts and inquiries, along with correcting inaccurate information on my personal profile. Enclosed with this written request are copies of my Proof of Billing, Drivers License, and Social Security ID. Please address this matter expeditiously. Kindly delete the following fraudulent items : -- -- -- -- -XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX -EQUIFAX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX

Company Response:

State: GA

Zip: 30316

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-12-27

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 8059069

Date Received: 2023-12-26

Issue: Incorrect information on your report

Subissue: Account status incorrect

Consumer Complaint: The situation at hand is causing me considerable distress and affecting my sleep quality. I find it hard to come to terms with the issue. I urge you to rectify my account without delay.

Company Response:

State: TN

Zip: 38135

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-12-26

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Select another page to read more about how -real people- receive -real harm- from these banks, credit bureaus, and others.