Date Received: 2019-09-07
Issue: Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem
Subissue: Investigation took more than 30 days
Consumer Complaint: back in XXXX I paid off my discover card and asked to close my account however since XXXX was a able to keep my account open and then make about 4k in transactions and pay with the bank account that was on file with the card. however I told my bank not to allow any more transactions out of my bank to that company so they blocked ALL payments. I called discover to report this as soon as the first payment was attempted from my bank however they failed to close the account there were about 8 more failed payments and by the time discover shut down the card it was =dude to amount of failed payments. since then I was told by discover that they were going to give me a call back I sent several letters to the company however they failed to call me back or send me letters. I just found out that they placed a judgment against me in XXXX however they never notified me of court I was never served and to be honest this is crazy I don't know how they are able be operating in the usa1!!
Company Response:
State: CA
Zip: 90744
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2019-09-07
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2019-09-06
Issue: Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem
Subissue: Was not notified of investigation status or results
Consumer Complaint: I've disputed this Discover account several times. This account was not investigated by XXXX, XXXX or XXXX. The information I received from these credit reporting agencies specifically says it was. The information that I will attach will prove that it was not investigated. This is not only time that this has happened with these credit reporting agencies. I will also send this complaint and information to the attorney General. It seem that this is done purposely by these agencies or the agencies are not being investigate as they have stated. This Discover account has XXXX Balance and still not sowing on my report. Which I've requested and received this information from Discover. I never received any proof and information that was requested that it was in fact ever investigated.
Company Response:
State: GA
Zip: 30094
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2019-09-06
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2019-09-06
Issue: Struggling to pay your bill
Subissue: Problem lowering your monthly payments
Consumer Complaint: my computer was hacked by a scammer or persons claiming to be XXXX XXXX, they got all my credit card numbers my state id photo everything my pass words banking info as in reference to on line banking with credit cards, ,they wiped me out i been trying to get things straightened out, but im XXXX XXXX dont pay much, i was taking care of my dad and being paid for that, but he passed away a year ago i was hacked about two months ago but this discover card calls 30 times a day or more from early morning XXXX to XXXX 7days a week they are driving me crazy
Company Response:
State: MN
Zip: 557XX
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2019-09-06
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2019-09-06
Issue: Fees or interest
Subissue: Unexpected increase in interest rate
Consumer Complaint: After requesting a full credit card payoff with discover credit card. And completely paying off the card. I am being charged interest on XXXX interest charges due to past balances. This is the third time this has happened and discover in the past has acknowledged that its a mistake. This must be a systematic overcharging by discover. Please investigate.
Company Response:
State: NJ
Zip: 08527
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2019-09-06
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2019-09-06
Issue: Problem with a purchase shown on your statement
Subissue: Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Consumer Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX I purchased cell phone service with XXXX by XXXX from XXXX XXXX, for my brother, at a cost of {$190.00}. At the time of purchase I was sold one phone with the second phone free and I requested a {$30.00} plan, which is what I had on my own phone. I was told the second phone could be used to replace the phone I was using but I had to wait three days to transfer my data to the new phone. I returned to the store after the three days had elapsed, on XX/XX/XXXX, to transfer my data to the free phone. That is when I found out we had been duped. When I related the reason for my visit to the store, the rep brought up the account and disclosed to us that the account had two lines with a {$50.00} plan, she also showed us on the screen all the other charges, like insurance, that the rep who open the account had charged us, unwittingly. ( I remember asking her, when the account was opened, why it was so much if one of the phones was free and she provided a plausible explanation. ) At that point, I asked the rep to reverse the transaction. She indicated that she could fix it and claimed she did so. By the time she was done removing all the charges that I did not authorize, putting the {$30.00} plan on the account, and removing the second line, which we knew nothing about, a {$70.00} refund was due ( which I later found out should have been {$86.00} from the calculations the rep made on the back of my receipt ). She indicated that she would apply it to the bill so for two months and a partial month no payment would be due. The rep had to call the owner/boss to have the changes authorized and he asked to speak to me. He apologized and told me to keep the free phone for the inconvenience and assured me that everything was in order. On XX/XX/XXXX, my brother informed me that he received a text message that a payment of {$100.00} was due by the XXXX. I instructed him to return to the store and inquire about it. He did so and the rep he encountered was outright hostile so he called me before the situation escalated. I asked to speak with the rep and reminded him of the situation, since he was present in the store and we initially dealt with him before he turned us over to the rep who claimed to have resolved the issue, on XX/XX/XXXX. He remembered the situation and promised me to resolve it. My brother relayed that he called the rep, who had resolved the situation for us previously, and she told him to call the owner/boss since the issue should have been resolved. The rep then told my brother to go home and he would call the boss and have him resolve the issue. On XX/XX/XXXX, I tried calling my brother and discovered that the phone had no service. I had him pack up the phones ( we had never used the free phone ) and we returned to the store to return them and have the transaction reversed. We encountered both reps who we had dealt with on XX/XX/XXXX. I told them the phone had no service and I was tired of dealing with this issue and would like to return the phones and reverse the transaction. The female rep who had supposedly resolved the issue for us looked up the account and pointed out to the male rep that service was suspended and that shouldnt be. She told him he needed to call the owner/boss to have him resolve the issue. The male rep stated that he called him yesterday and was not calling him again. This gave me the distinct impression that after my brother left the store, the day before, he never called the owner as he was instructed to do by the female rep and he did not want to call in my presence to reveal that he never made the call. At this point, I insisted that the transaction be reversed and the male rep indicated that since we had used the phone for more than one hour of talk time we could not return it. I asked if he knew that I had other means of recourse and he said I should do it through my credit card company. I then initiated a dispute with Discover Card. The credit card company initially reversed the charges then re-instated them claiming that the merchant provided sufficient evidence to show that the charges were valid. This evidence included a return policy that stated that the phone could not be returned after seven day and documents that had my signature, that I did not sign. I pointed this out to Discover Card and nothing was done about it. I contacted Discover and was told I provided no evidence to show that I have no phone service. The rep advised me to contact XXXX by XXXX via email to get them to confirm I did not have service. I did this and submitted the evidence and requested that the charges be reversed since I did not have any service and the merchant refused to work with me to resolve the matter. I contacted Discover Card several times and the charges still have not been reversed. Now when I try to contact them about this dispute the system does not allow me to send them messages. I typed a message requesting a copy of the call recording when I spoke to the rep. Upon sending it I discovered the contents of the message had been deleted and was blank. I am submitting this complaint because Discover Card has not addressed my concerns and has considered the evidence provided by the merchant valid and has not considered the evidence I provided to show that I do not have the service I paid for. I have been a customer with Discover Card since XXXX and I expected better service than what I received for this issue. I am hereby requesting that Discover Card reverse the charges. I have the phone ready to return to the merchant.
Company Response:
State: NY
Zip: 11203
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2019-09-06
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2019-09-06
Issue: Trouble using your card
Subissue: Can't use card to make purchases
Consumer Complaint: I have contacted Discover Card regarding my account on several occasions, either by phone or by email. The last two email regarding this issue was on XX/XX/2019 ( reference # XXXX ) and XX/XX/2019 ( reference # XXXX ). The issue is that my account had originally been locked while I was enrolled in a payment plan. I could not afford the payments at the time and they helped by reducing my interest rate to 9.99 %, which lowered my payment. The stipulation was that my account had to be locked, which I was 100 % fine with since they were helping me. The problem is when my payment plan expired, my account remained locked but my interest rate jumped back to 19.99 %. As of this filing, my account continues to be locked and my card unusable - but I'm paying on an interest rate that is applied on the presumption that the card is usable. As of this email, I can not use the card and Discover will not unlock it. My money is going to nothing that I can use! I'm paying over {$300.00} towards a balance that I can not use if I had an emergency.
Company Response:
State: CT
Zip: 064XX
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2019-09-06
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2019-09-05
Issue: Getting a line of credit
Consumer Complaint: Opening another coplaint based on previous Complaint Via complaint number XXXX the companys responce is incorrect and insufficent simply stating they comply woth ecoa Equal credit Oppritunity act is inssuficent and stating the minimal need to Qualify for the loan is XXXX Is Not Equal Credit oppritunity act Appropriate Policy to have in place including Being denied because on XXXX but the pourpose is to ensure creditors make and approve Things based on equality and it is not equal for people To have XXXX In Yearly income and Cpuld be deemed income discrimimination And Ontop of the equal Credit oppritunity act There are also state laws regarding such things And ive also Contacted the pa attorney generals Office Witch is being asigned to a investigator Pending investigator Findings Discover Could Face state or federal Civil charges in court. And or Be XXXX ordered to reverse descion and may have to pay Damages and costs and court ordered Monetary Fines and Cost to victim or plantiff and discover may want to reconsider there policy in this situation and if they wish to reach put to Me To Settle this i emploer Them to before the attorney generals office investigates and concludes there finding In the Consumer protection Office powered by Federal And Pennsylvania State powers.
Company Response:
State: PA
Zip: 184XX
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2019-09-05
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2019-09-05
Issue: Problem with a purchase shown on your statement
Subissue: Card was charged for something you did not purchase with the card
Consumer Complaint: Duplicated charges from the same doctor 's office since XXXX. My husband signed/authorized the charges only once with every visit to this doctor 's office but they are all duplicated on the Discover Card statements. We have paid Discover Card for these unauthorized transactions. Dispute department has been contacted in XX/XX/XXXX and XXXX worked to put the credit of {$660.00} and {$140.00} on our account. These then showed up as transfer balances on XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX respectively ( see attached ). Discover Card dispute supervisor ( XXXX ) whom I spoke to on XX/XX/XXXX confirmed that Discover Card has paid the doctor 's office twice for each of these transactions. We have paid Discover Card and expect Discover Card to pay us back in full for the unauthorized charges immediately. It is a mistake made by Discover Card in paying the merchant for unauthorized transactions and their Fraud department should take responsibility for not catching this. Discover Card is unfairly making the payment to us for these unauthorized transactions dependent on them being able to recoup the money from the merchant as a " transaction by transaction '' dispute and reversing the temporary credit when the merchant is unresponsive or responded that they did not duplicate a charge to Discover Card for a particular disputed transaction. XXXX also told me on the XX/XX/XXXX call that she can only put a partial amount of the total owed to us on permanent credit ( {$770.00} ) and refused/ can not give us permanent credit for the full amount owed to us ( {$1300.00} ). The {$770.00} permanent credit still has not shown up on my account as of this writing. On XX/XX/XXXX, I have received several letters in the mail from Discover Card stating they are unable to settle the disputes in my favor and consider the charge to be valid with merchant 's response attached amounting to {$730.00}. On XX/XX/XXXX I have also reached out to the doctor 's office and spoke with XXXX in Billing. I was told to mail her the statements showing the duplicated/unauthorized transactions. This was mailed to her by registered mail. XXXX made a follow up call to me on XX/XX/XXXX and mentioned XXXX, her supervisor has provided a full report to Discover Card.
Company Response:
State: CA
Zip: 950XX
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2019-09-05
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2019-09-05
Issue: Problem when making payments
Subissue: You never received your bill or did not know a payment was due
Consumer Complaint: I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found 60 days and 30 days late payment on the dates XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX . I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that my monthly statement did not get to me.
Company Response:
State: NV
Zip: 89169
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2019-09-05
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2019-09-05
Issue: Problem when making payments
Subissue: You never received your bill or did not know a payment was due
Consumer Complaint: I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found 60 days late payment on the dates XX/XX/XXXX and 30 days late payment on the dates XX/XX/XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX . I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that my monthly statement did not get to me.
Company Response:
State: NV
Zip: 89169
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2019-09-05
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A