Date Received: 2023-12-26
Issue: Improper use of your report
Subissue: Reporting company used your report improperly
Consumer Complaint: In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act this creditor has violated my rights under 15 USC 1681 section 6 o 2 states I have the right to privacy ( 15 USC 1681 ( section 6 0 4 a section 2 ( it also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish an account without my written instructions under 15 USCS 1666b a creditor may not treat a payment on a credit card account under an open end consumer credit plan as late for any purpose. I want to remove any late payments in my XXXX XXXX account, XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX account, XXXX XXXX XXXX account and XXXX XXXX
Company Response:
State: ME
Zip: 042XX
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-12-26
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-12-26
Issue: Incorrect information on your report
Subissue: Information belongs to someone else
Consumer Complaint: I have submitted multiple disputes regarding these accounts that do not belong to me and they are still reporting on my credit report. I hvae also submitted multiple XXXX XXXX regarding the account that do not belong to me. These companies have refused to do work on disputes even though they're required by the law to do so. Account Name : XXXX Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXX Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXX Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXX XXXX XXXX Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXX XXXX Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXX Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXX XXXX Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXX Account Number : XXXX Account Name : XXXX XXXX XXXX Account Number : XXXX
Company Response:
State: PA
Zip: 19131
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-12-26
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-12-26
Issue: Problem with a company's investigation into an existing problem
Subissue: Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Consumer Complaint: I filed a dispute for incorrect information on my credit report. I received an email from the credit bureau stating that they are assuming the disputes are coming from a XXXX party. They in fact did not come from a XXXX party. l even called them to verify it was me and they still refused to process my disputes. I wasted money on mailing my disputes out. I sent personal information to verify my XXXX through mail, just for them to not thoroughly investigate.
Company Response:
State: FL
Zip: 33161
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-12-26
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-12-26
Issue: Problem with a company's investigation into an existing problem
Subissue: Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Consumer Complaint: I have asked Equifax XXXX separate times to conduct an investigation into XXXX accounts on my credit report that I believe are inaccurate. Each time Equifax sent me an XXXX XXXX XXXX response saying they do not believe the request was coming from me. Every time I provided Proof of XXXX and Proof of XXXX and they refused to do so. They have consistently violated my rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act and should be held accountable for this.
Company Response:
State: TX
Zip: 76033
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-12-26
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-12-26
Issue: Improper use of your report
Subissue: Reporting company used your report improperly
Consumer Complaint: According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC 1681 section 602 states, There is a need to insure that consumer reporting agencies exercise their grave responsibilities for fairness, impartiality, and a respect for the consumers right to privacy. XXXX, Equifax and XXXX are consumer reporting agencies and I am the Consumer. I have the right to make sure my private information isnt shared which is backed by 15 USC 6801 which states It is the policy of the Congress that each financial institution has an affirmative and continuing obligation to respect the privacy of its customers and to protect the security and confidentiality of those customers nonpublic information. XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX is a financial institution by definition under that title. Pursuant to 15 USC 1681a, ( 2 ) Exclusions : ( A ) ( i ) report containing information solely as to transactions or experiences between the consumer and the person making the report ; Reporting Transaction history is illegal. Per 15 USC 1681b Permissible purposes of consumer reports -In accordance with the written instructions of the consumer to whom it relates. I never gave written instructions authorizing the creditor to send my personal information to any credit bureau. The Creditor did not get my consent to add anything to my consumer report, which is a violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. -P.L . 90-321 ( 82 Stat. 146 ), states that any agency can only get my consumer report in response to a request by the head of a State or local child support enforcement agency ( or a State or local government official authorized by the head of such an agency ). 15 USC 1681 section 604 section 2 states that In general Subject to subsection ( c ), any consumer reporting agency may furnish a consumer report under the following circumstances and no other : in accordance with the written instructions of the consumer to whom it relates. XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX is the financial institution and the Consumer reporting agencies XXXX, Equifax and XXXX do not have my consent to furnish this information and they surely do not have my written consent. Any and all consent to XXXX, Equifax and XXXX ; Also XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX, whether it be verbal, non-verbal, written, implied or otherwise is revoked. 15 USC 6802 ( b ) ( c ) states that A financial institution may not disclose nonpublic personal information to a nonaffiliated third party unlessthe consumer is given an explanation of how the consumer can exercise that nondisclosure option. XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX ; Never informed me of my right to exercise my nondisclosure option. Not only that, 15 USC 1681C ( a ) ( 5 ) states, Except as authorized under subsection ( b ), no consumer reporting agency may make any consumer report containing any of the following items of information any other adverse item of information, other than records of convictions of crimes which antedates the report by more than seven years. These accounts are adverse items they are reporting again without my permission which is against the law. 15 USC 1681s 2 ( A ) ( 1 ) states, A person shall not furnish any information relating to a consumer reporting agency if the person knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the information is inaccurate. 15 USC 1681e states Every consumer reporting agency shall maintain reasonable procedures designed to avoid violations of section 1681c of this title and to limit the furnishing of consumer reports to the purposes listed under section 1681b of this title. XXXX, Equifax and XXXX are not maintaining reasonable procedures. Also 12 CFR 1016.7 states that A consumer may exercise the right to opt out at any time. I am opting out of your reporting services to XXXX, Equifax and XXXX. XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX for XXXX XXXX XXXX
Company Response:
State: MD
Zip: 20747
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-12-26
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-12-26
Issue: Improper use of your report
Subissue: Credit inquiries on your report that you don't recognize
Company Response:
State: NJ
Zip: 07111
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-12-26
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-12-26
Issue: Improper use of your report
Subissue: Reporting company used your report improperly
Consumer Complaint: This is XXXX XXXX XXXX please do not deny my complaint by stating that I filed this by some other means than myself. This is done 100 % by me. The stuff on my credit report is wrong and Under 15 U.S. Code 1681b Permissible purposes of consumer reports I never gave any written consent to report anything on my consumer reports no consent is fraud.
Company Response:
State: MA
Zip: 01826
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-12-26
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-12-26
Issue: Problem with a company's investigation into an existing problem
Subissue: Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Consumer Complaint: ACCORDING TO 15 USC 1681I - XXXX, EQUIFAX, AND XXXX HAVE 30 DAYS TO INVESTIGATE AND SEND ME THE RESULTS. In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting act. These accounts violated my federally protected consumer rights to privacy and confidentiality under 15 USC 1681. XXXX XXXX XXXX ( Original Creditor : XXXX XXXX XXXX ) # XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX # XXXX XXXX XXXX ( Original Creditor : XXXX ) # XXXX XXXX XXXX ( Original Creditor : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ) # XXXX 15 U.S.C 1681 section 602 A. States I have the right to privacy. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 604 A Section 2 : It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish a account without my written instructions 15 U.S.C 1681c. ( a ) ( 5 ) Section States : no consumer reporting agency may make any consumer report containing any of the following items of information Any other adverse item of information, other than records of convictions of crimes which antedates the report by more than seven years. 15 U.S.C 1681s-2 ( A ) ( 1 ) A person shall not furnish any information relating to a consumer to any consumer reporting agency of the person knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the information is inaccurate.
Company Response:
State: UT
Zip: 84123
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-12-26
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-12-26
Issue: Improper use of your report
Subissue: Reporting company used your report improperly
Consumer Complaint: Requested a consumer report XXXX on XX/XX/23 when received and looking for inaccuracies this company is sharing my information incorrectly with other companies. According to 15 USC 6802 ( a ) ( b ) - obligations with respect to disclosures of personal information. You are prohibited from disclosing my personal information to any third party without my consent. I did not give my permission to disclose my personal information. The following information is inaccurate and needs to be removed from my teletrack consumer report ; Names Reported : XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, Address : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, OH XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, OH XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, OH XXXX, Phone # XXXX. AS NONE OF THIS INFORMATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH MYSELF AND IS ACCURATE WITH MY DL AND SS #. All Hard inquiries On my consumer report are also were made without authorization, and without legitimate business purpose. Please remove these unconfirmed inquiries lacking certifiable evidence unless physically certified and verified proof Is demonstrated and provided per U.S. Code 15 U.S.C. 1681 Section 604 of The Fair Credit Reporting Act. Furthermore, in accordance with The Fair Credit Reporting act, Public Law 91-506, Title VI, Section 611, Subsection A-D, I demand that you provide actual proof the information was verified, not a computer generated confirmation. I request the following information to be sent to me via mail with all HARD DOCUMENTS to show how it was verified : iF IT CAN NOT BE VERIFIED IT NEEDS TO BE DELETED FROM MY TELETRACK CONSUMER REPORT.
Company Response:
State: OH
Zip: 458XX
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-12-26
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2023-12-26
Issue: Improper use of your report
Subissue: Reporting company used your report improperly
Consumer Complaint: Account - XXXX XXXX Bankruptcy number XXXX, has violated my rights. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 602 A. States I have a right to my privacy. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 604 A section 2 : It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish a account without my written instructions.
Company Response:
State: IL
Zip: 60637
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2023-12-26
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A