Date Received: 2022-06-22
Issue: Fees or interest
Subissue: Charged too much interest
Consumer Complaint: The Discover Credit Card company has been double charging me interest/fees for over a year. The company made it a routine to itemize the interest fee and then add a slightly larger amount to the overall balance. This has been occuring for a very long time and needs to be addressed.
Company Response:
State: MD
Zip: 206XX
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-06-22
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-06-22
Issue: Attempts to collect debt not owed
Subissue: Debt was result of identity theft
Consumer Complaint: On XX/XX/22 and XX/XX/22 I sent letters to XXXX, XXXX, XXXX and Discover credit card requesting verification of this debt. According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Section 609 ( a ) ( 1 ) ( A ). I haven't received any documentation.
Company Response:
State: IL
Zip: 604XX
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-06-22
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-06-22
Issue: Managing an account
Subissue: Problem accessing account
Consumer Complaint: I received an email stating that my account access is frozen due to unusual activity from Discover Bank. I have tried calling them for days and been on hold for XXXX hours at a time, this is absolutely ridiculous. They have ahold of XXXX XXXXXXXX of my money and are not even responding to me. I demand my account reinstated as there was NO unusual activity on my account, I was logged in XXXX minutes before it happened.
Company Response:
State: PA
Zip: 16602
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-06-22
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-06-22
Issue: Problem when making payments
Subissue: Problem during payment process
Consumer Complaint: Since XX/XX/XXXX several negotiable instruments endorsed per to bills of exchange act, UCC 1-314, 1-308, 1-306, 1-603, 3-416 12 usc 411, 18 usc 8 and hjr 192 along with several others, have been sent totaling over {$9000.00} between two accounts. To discover financial services. Ending in XXXX and XXXX. However PAYMENT was accepted, never returned nor credited. PAYMENT is not defined in the contracts or terms of conditions in discovers and agents refuse to define it. I have told them repeatedly that they may either return my endorsed instruments or credit my account. They refuse to do both. I have reported several billing errors disputes as well as provided instructions and they refuse to acknowledge my billing error disputes, apply credit, and attempt to mark payments as late.
Company Response:
State: FL
Zip: 33613
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-06-22
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-06-22
Issue: Other features, terms, or problems
Subissue: Other problem
Consumer Complaint: Discover card would not help me with a merchant contractor XXXX XXXX who overcharge my discover card for {$1100.00}. The original charges should have equaled {$6000.00} for a roof extension and they broke the charges up by putting my discover card account number on their computer system and charged my account totally {$7100.00}. This was a capitol improvement so there was not tax charged on the project. The company refused to finish the job also leaving bent poles, garbage in the yard, and not installing the soffits that was part of the job. They also opened the walls and left asbestos exposed and they would not seal it up. They also left sharp pieces of metal hanging on the wall randomly down the roofing area dangling. The merchant did not file the permits to do the job, so I am also stuck with issues of getting a Certificate of Occupancy for the job. They are legally responsible and led me to believe that they did their job but they did not. I asked discover to step in since I am protected from services performed that are charged on my credit card. I asked them to dispute the original down payment of {$1500.00} so that I could hire someone to finish the job and try to work out permits for the CO. XXXX XXXX stole {$1100.00} from my Discover account and never finished the job. I thought I was being fair by asking for {$1500.00}. I could have disputed the whole amount. The work they did is subpar, and they stole money from me. The extra money was unwarranted and not authorized. This has been going on since XXXX of XXXX and Discover card rejected my dispute and wont even take the stolen money back from XXXX XXXX. They told me the only way they would refund me is if XXXX XXXX authorized giving me back the money they stole from me. I am asking for your help because Discover is protecting this merchant and not my rights. It is a shame because I opened my Discover account in XXXX 32 years ago and they would protect one of their merchants over my right under the rules for unsatisfied service clause in the credit laws of XXXX.
Company Response:
State: NY
Zip: 11779
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-06-22
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-06-22
Issue: Managing an account
Subissue: Problem accessing account
Consumer Complaint: I opened a new online saving account with Discover Bank. They froze my account based on unusual activity the. Required I call their security number which I have now tried every day and waited multiple hours each time to NEVER get through. I still have no access to my funds or any resolution.
Company Response:
State: CT
Zip: 060XX
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-06-22
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-06-21
Issue: Problem with a purchase shown on your statement
Subissue: Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Consumer Complaint: The following is a letter written to my credit card company Discover Card documenting everything that happened in my dispute case. To Whom It May Concern : I am writing to resolve an issue that has been going on for over a year. Attached you will find all my documentation that I have submitted over the year to justify my claim for a refund. I will explain, herein, with details that will correspond with the paperwork included. I ordered an oil machine on XX/XX/XXXX from XXXX. The order number was XXXX. It was shipped on XX/XX/XXXX. ( Site reference # 1 ) On XX/XX/XXXX another machine was mistakenly shipped on order number XXXX ( Site reference # 2 ). After I received the second machine, I talked with XXXX and they had got an okay from the seller that I could return it for a refund. XXXX issued an XXXX Return ID : XXXX for order number XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX. ( Site reference # 3 ) I dropped off the machine at the UPS store on XXXX XXXX in XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX with a XXXX TRACKING NUMBER XXXX. ( Site reference # 4 ) On XX/XX/XXXX I got a Proof of Delivery from XXXX on Tracking Number XXXX that it was delivered on XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX. ( site reference # 5 ) I never got a refund. After working with the XXXX A to Z for over a month to get my refund and getting no results, I opened a Claim Dispute with Discover for my card ending in XXXX. Soon after I placed the dispute, I lost my card and got my replacement with the number ending in XXXX. I uploaded all my documents to the Discover website and thought that everything was fine until XX/XX/XXXX when two charges for the amount of {$2800.00} were put on my card ending in XXXX. I have been working with Discover ever since to get the rest of the documentation to prove that I have a refund coming for the returned oil machine. I have collected additional data since then to prove that XXXX owes me the refund. ( Site reference # 6 ) is a screen shot of order # XXXX with the payment method picturing a Discover Card with XXXX, and Grand Total : {$2800.00}. When you click on the View return/refund status on this page it takes you to ( site reference # 7 ). This page shows the Refund issued of {$2800.00} on XX/XX/XXXX. Clicking on the details highlighted on this page will take you to the screen shot of ( site reference # 8 ) which gives the order # XXXX. After submitting all these documents, Discover asked me to provide something in writing from XXXX stating that they refunded the {$2800.00} to the Discover Card. I talked to XXXX and they provided ( site reference # 9 ) an email stating that they Refunded the original payment method-discover card {$2800.00} and was Completed XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX and then referenced the Oil Machine details. I still haven't received a refund and just got this notice from Discover To Whom It May Concern : I am writing to resolve an issue that has been going on for over a year. Attached you will find all my documentation that I have submitted over the year to justify my claim for a refund. I will explain, herein, with details that will correspond with the paperwork included. I ordered an oil machine on XX/XX/XXXX from XXXX. The order number was XXXX. It was shipped on XX/XX/XXXX. ( Site reference # 1 ) On XX/XX/XXXX another machine was mistakenly shipped on order number XXXX ( Site reference # 2 ). After I received the second machine, I talked with XXXX and they had got an okay from the seller that I could return it for a refund. XXXX issued an XXXX Return ID : XXXX for order number XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX. ( Site reference # 3 ) I dropped off the machine at the XXXX store on XXXX XXXX in XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX with a XXXX TRACKING NUMBER XXXX. ( Site reference # 4 ) On XX/XX/XXXX I got a Proof of Delivery from XXXX on Tracking Number XXXX that it was delivered on XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX. ( site reference # 5 ) I never got a refund. After working with the XXXX A to Z for over a month to get my refund and getting no results, I opened a Claim Dispute with Discover for my card ending in XXXX. Soon after I placed the dispute, I lost my card and got my replacement with the number ending in XXXX. I uploaded all my documents to the Discover website and thought that everything was fine until XX/XX/XXXX when two charges for the amount of {$2800.00} were put on my card ending in XXXX. I have been working with Discover ever since to get the rest of the documentation to prove that I have a refund coming for the returned oil machine. I have collected additional data since then to prove that XXXX owes me the refund. ( Site reference # 6 ) is a screen shot of order # XXXX with the payment method picturing a Discover Card with XXXX, and Grand Total : {$2800.00}. When you click on the View return/refund status on this page it takes you to ( site reference # 7 ). This page shows the Refund issued of {$2800.00} on XX/XX/XXXX. Clicking on the details highlighted on this page will take you to the screen shot of ( site reference # 8 ) which gives the order # XXXX. After submitting all these documents, Discover asked me to provide something in writing from XXXX stating that they refunded the {$2800.00} to the Discover Card. I talked to XXXX and they provided ( site reference # 9 ) an email stating that they Refunded the original payment method-discover card {$2800.00} and was Completed XX/XX/XXXX at XXXX and then referenced the Oil Machine details. Still no refund and I received a response to my claim dispute with Discover. It is as follows : XX/XX/XXXX Transaction has been found to be valid. We've completed our investigation of this transaction. During our review, we considered all information and documentation we received from you and we attempted to obtain transaction records from the merchant. We regret that we are unable to validate the details of your claim. Accordingly, we consider the charge to be valid. The charge will remain on your account and the temporary credit we previously applied to your account will be reversed. I have tried to work with XXXX but nothing ever gets done. I am not sure how much more I have to do to prove that I sent the machine back and that XXXX has stated in several documents that I am due a refund for {$2800.00}. Thank you
Company Response:
State: NM
Zip: 880XX
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-06-21
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-06-21
Issue: Problem with a purchase shown on your statement
Subissue: Credit card company isn't resolving a dispute about a purchase on your statement
Consumer Complaint: I noticed charges on my account, and called to report as fraud. I later found out that a friends child, XXXX years old, had used my computer and made the charges, not realizing they were real money. The company refuses to take them off of my account, even though the FTC says that I am not responsible for those charges.
Company Response:
State: SC
Zip: 29020
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-06-21
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-06-21
Issue: Incorrect information on your report
Subissue: Account status incorrect
Consumer Complaint: There is inaccurate information on my consumer report, the account starting in XXXX has been charged off according to the IRS amounts over {$600.00} have to be filed as income with a 1099c, income doesn't get reported on a consumer report, how is this being reported as a debt? please delete this off my report as well as the balance being innacurate according to 15 U.S. Code 1681e ( b ) accuracy of report ( b ) Accuracy of report Whenever a consumer reporting agency prepares a consumer report it shall follow reasonable procedures to assure maximum possible accuracy of the information concerning the individual about whom the report relates. IF NOW THE STATUS HAS CHANGED WHAT YOU ARE REPORTING IS INACCURATE HOW ARE YOU MAINTAINING MAXIMUM ACCURACY WITH A INCORRECT ITEM PLEASE DELETE IT
Company Response:
State: NY
Zip: 115XX
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-06-21
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A
Date Received: 2022-06-20
Issue: Closing an account
Subissue: Company closed your account
Consumer Complaint: I had recently opened an account with Discover bank on XX/XX/2022. I had it for work purposes and other expenses. I get deposits of the same amount of {$240.00} of each shift I work on a daily schedule. All of a sudden I get a message that my account is going to be closed and that I have to wait 60 days to receive a check and it makes no sense to me whatsoever because I would hardly spend and I would work a lot for it to suddenly be closed. And my account was closed even before I wouldve received my card through the mail.
Company Response:
State: CA
Zip: 92337
Submitted Via: Web
Date Sent: 2022-06-20
Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation
Timely Response: Yes
Consumer Disputed: N/A