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"Products" offered by BREAD FINANCIAL HOLDINGS, INC. with at least one, but usually more complaints:

Bank account or service - Checking account
Bank account or service - Other bank product/service
Checking or savings account -
Checking or savings account - CD (Certificate of Deposit)
Checking or savings account - Checking account
Checking or savings account - Other banking product or service
Checking or savings account - Savings account
Consumer Loan - Installment loan
Consumer Loan - Personal line of credit
Credit card -
Credit card - General-purpose credit card or charge card
Credit card - Store credit card
Credit card or prepaid card - General-purpose credit card or charge card
Credit card or prepaid card - General-purpose prepaid card
Credit card or prepaid card - Gift card
Credit card or prepaid card - Payroll card
Credit card or prepaid card - Store credit card
Credit card or prepaid card - Student prepaid card
Credit reporting -
Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports - Credit reporting
Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports - Other personal consumer report
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports - Credit repair services
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports - Credit reporting
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports - Other personal consumer report
Debt collection - Auto debt
Debt collection - Credit card
Debt collection - Credit card debt
Debt collection - Federal student loan debt
Debt collection - I do not know
Debt collection - Medical
Debt collection - Medical debt
Debt collection - Mortgage
Debt collection - Mortgage debt
Debt collection - Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)
Debt collection - Other debt
Debt collection - Payday loan debt
Debt collection - Private student loan debt
Debt collection - Telecommunications debt
Debt or credit management - Credit repair services
Debt or credit management - Debt settlement
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Check cashing service
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Debt settlement
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Domestic (US) money transfer
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - International money transfer
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Mobile or digital wallet
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Money order
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Refund anticipation check
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Virtual currency
Money transfers - Domestic (US) money transfer
Mortgage - Conventional home mortgage
Mortgage - Home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC)
Mortgage - Other type of mortgage
Other financial service - Credit repair
Payday loan -
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan - Installment loan
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan - Payday loan
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan - Personal line of credit
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan - Title loan
Payday loan, title loan, personal loan, or advance loan - Installment loan
Payday loan, title loan, personal loan, or advance loan - Personal line of credit
Prepaid card - Mobile wallet
Prepaid card - Other special purpose card
Student loan - Federal student loan servicing
Student loan - Private student loan
Vehicle loan or lease - Loan

Select another page to read more about how -real people- receive -real harm- from these banks, credit bureaus, and others.
Complaint ID: 4144863

Date Received: 2021-02-17

Issue: Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem

Subissue: Difficulty submitting a dispute or getting information about a dispute over the phone

Consumer Complaint: There are 3 late payments on my credit accounts that have happened on XX/XX/2020, XX/XX/2020, XX/XX/2020 on my CCB/XXXX 1 Account with XXXX XXXX through Comenity Bank. These are incorrect. The company was doing COVID forgiveness at the moment and lied to me. Please investigate these late payments at your earliest possible convenience, as I do not recall being late on the account in question and I am going to be applying for a home mortgage in the near future. I would very much like to ensure my credit score shows an accurate depiction of my creditworthiness. Please update me with a full report on your findings and how the item was validated within the next two weeks. I look forward to having this situation rectified as soon as possible.

Company Response:

State: NJ

Zip: 07601

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2021-02-17

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 4144510

Date Received: 2021-02-16

Issue: Incorrect information on your report

Subissue: Account status incorrect

Consumer Complaint: I applied for a Comenity Bank issued credit card, XXXX Visa while purchasing makeup at XXXX on XX/XX/2020. This company is listed on my credit report as XXXX XXXX Due to Covid-19 hitting in early XXXX, the mail was slightly behind and I did not receive my actual credit card and first bill until XXXX XXXX, 2020. I paid the bill immediately upon receipt on XX/XX/XXXX. The first bill said that it was due on XX/XX/XXXX. A late fee of {$29.00} was assigned to the account on XX/XX/XXXX, which was 27 days after the card was issued. I called in to dispute the late fee. The company representative assured me it would be removed and would not be a problem on my credit report. However, I later noticed that the late fee was not removed and I decided to close my account and did so. When I called in to make my final payment, the representative convinced me to keep the card open, acknowledged their mistake, and assured me that the late fee would be removed and it would not go on my credit report. This time, the late fee was removed and I thought all was well until I recently obtained a copy of my credit report and saw that Comenity Bank had listed my account as 30 days past due for XXXX of 2020. This bank promised me on multiple occasions that since my mail was late due to Covid-19 that this would not go on my credit report. They have already acknowledged this by removing the late fee. This is simply a mistake that needs correction.

Company Response:

State: CA

Zip: 91730

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2021-02-16

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 4144082

Date Received: 2021-02-16

Issue: Getting a credit card

Subissue: Problem getting a working replacement card

Consumer Complaint: XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX notified me that my XXXX credit was expiring and they could not bill the card ending XXXX after the monthly billing on XX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXX I sent an inquiry through my secure mail on my one line account XX/XX/XXXX I called Comenity Capital Bank and told them that the card was expiring and that my insurance company had notified me that XX/XX/XXXX was the last billing cycle and that I needed to contact my bank to update my card and asked when my card would be coming out since my card was expiring. At that time, I was told they would mail out the new card ASP In addition to the call on this date, I also had sent an inquiry through the account secure site to Comenity XX/XX/XXXX response from Comenity bank by secure mail through the account site stating they had mailed a card out on the XX/XX/XXXX ( never arrived ) and arrived after XX/XX/XXXX I called back into the bank and reported that the card had not arrived, she told me the card had been mailed on XX/XX/XXXX and it might take a month to arrive to which I told her that I did not believe the mail was that slow, so she said we can send another card and would cancel the one that had been sent out, ( which the one mailed on XX/XX/XXXX still has not arrived as of XXXX. I was told that they would send out another card ASAP but the email from the bank in secure mail stated the card was sent out on the XXXX, she is now telling me it was sent on the XXXX So at this point, she is telling me that they would sent another card out ASAP I LATER FOUND THAT THIS WAS A LIE XX/XX/XXXX I sent in a secure email where I had been notified by XXXX and XXXX that a hard credit inquiry for new credit had been pulled by Cominety Bank ( I had not applied for new credit and had not authorized any credit inquiry. At this point and over the next day, I talked to several customer service representatives and their supervisors concerning this and the cards only to be told the cards had been shipped out and they had no idea why a credit inquiry had been pulled since I was not applying for new credit and my credit limit and account had been open since XXXX and never had a late payment or any problems with the account XX/XX/XXXX I received a letter from the bank stating they received my request for additional card ( my wife and son already have cards so no extra cards were asked for ) and or a replacement card ( also untrue as I was trying to obtain a card for an expired card ) but they could not verify the accuracy of the request so they could not complete the request XX/XX/XXXX I called into the back customer service and again went to a supervisor ( XXXX I think ) who told me that the cards were on the way, and I then asked to speak to her supervisor or manager, and she said you want my mangers manager and transferred me to XXXX and I asked him to give me his full name but he refused, but his statements to me were a little unreal He plainly stated that all the previous supervisors had been lying to me so that the truth would not be told to me under Federal law ( amazing he knew who I had talked to ) and stated they had ask for enhanced security as they did not know how to contact me, but they had a meeting earlier and approved sending me a card and that they had pulled the hard inquiries to find how to contact me but the letter from the bank said they could not get the information from the credit agencies all of this is amazing lie as they have been talking to me for a month at this point, emails that only could come from me through account secure mail and replies from the bank to that. He told me they had sent the cards out that day and they would be in my mail box within two days as they had tracking ( so this tells me that the cards mailed in XX/XX/XXXX must never have been mailed since they would have known when they would have been delivered ) Then he told me that to help ease the pain, and the lies and hiding he would give me 2,000 reward points on my card which I did not accept as all I wanted was the truth and my card which as I told him I kept for my insurance billing and for my son to use at XXXX XXXX. I also ask him whey they would need to pull a hard inquiry since any card company who issued a card can do a soft inquiry and not use a hard inquiry for me to borrow money which is what they did per XXXX personnel XX/XX/XXXX Secure email stating that my information had been received from my credit file and they would work to resolve but could take 30 days for their RESEARCH? I have specifically discussed with XXXX and all my information including a XXXX XXXX score, address, etc. and payment history was provided so I do not know if they know how to tell the truth, and in fact XXXX stated they are looking at this as fraudulent. XX/XX/XXXX A envelope came from the back with a card for my wife and my son but I still have not received a card for myself I asked XXXX why did they have so much problem finding me when all my information was in their own files, and to that note I am going to include my billing statement showing the monthly XXXX billing that started this odyssey to use the card Also missing from their side of the secure mail site is a email I sent them telling them about their service, lies and that I would be going to XXXX consumer affairs, and anyone else that I could. At this point, I reviewed some of the review sites, and find that thousand of people have been treated in ways not that unlike my case and they appear to be a predatory bank site. Also the inquires are to be removed from the credit agencies, or I shall having talked to XXXX and have it converted to a fraud claim.

Company Response:

State: CA


Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2021-02-16

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 4143902

Date Received: 2021-02-16

Issue: Closing an account

Subissue: Can't close your account

Consumer Complaint: Tried to close account. Hold was placed on funds. Requested that funds be transferred and account closed after hold ( ten business days ) was lifted. Fourteen days later, account was still open and funds had not been transferred. As of this morning, I can no longer access my account online, and funds have still not been transferred.

Company Response:

State: FL

Zip: 33611

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2021-02-16

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 4143899

Date Received: 2021-02-16

Issue: Struggling to pay your bill

Subissue: Credit card company won't work with you while you're going through financial hardship

Consumer Complaint: I have been getting calls at least 2x a day from. Comenity in regards to my XXXX account. Not only are these calls excessive, I have told someone contacting me by email is best since my cell phone speaker barely works and I can never hear anyone. This morning ( XX/XX/2021 ) I had missed a phone call at XXXX XXXX, after I returned the call the agent I spoke with was very rude and talked over me. After we got to the root of the problem, she offered to put me into their hardhsip program. I asked for a call back as I was getting my son ready for daycare and she replied with " but you're the one who called me '' so I hung up. Then not even half an hour later I get another call where the gentleman barely knows what is going on, and as I'm trying to explain I was just on the phone and the lady didn't care, he was also talking over me. I asked him to let him speak and he continued to talk over me. If your agent would like to continue to be so ignorant, so be it. I will NOT be making payments over the phone with these idiots and I am requesting a do not call to be placed on my account. If the do not call is not placed on my account and I continue to receive calls, I will be going another route as a CFPB complaint clearly holds no meri to you. As someone who also works closely with consumers, I find this representation of your company absotlely horrendus.

Company Response:

State: NH

Zip: 030XX

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2021-02-16

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with non-monetary relief

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 4143689

Date Received: 2021-02-16

Issue: Problem with a purchase shown on your statement

Subissue: Card was charged for something you did not purchase with the card

Consumer Complaint: On XX/XX/XXXX we booked an XXXXXXXX XXXX through XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX XXXX ) located in XXXX Fl. and paid {$200.00} deposit using our Visa Credit Card for 2 people to the XXXX XXXX for XX/XX/XXXX. Then on XX/XX/XXXX we paid the remaining Cruise balance of {$2700.00} on our MasterCard credit card. Then on XX/XX/XXXX we noticed a credit of {$260.00} on our MasterCard statement from XXXX ( XXXX XXXX XXXX ) Then on XX/XX/XXXX we noticed another credit of {$310.00} on our MasterCard statement from XXXX. Then on XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX sent out an E-Mail stating that due to unforeseen circumstances they had to cancel the XXXX XXXX Cruise reservations and will no longer be working with XXXX. They stated they could not discuss the reasons. Do to the cancellations XXXX XXXX XXXX is requesting a full refund of deposits and any other monies paid. She stated refunds have been initiated through XXXX and they will be issuing refunds to all. The ONLY refund we received was the {$200.00} deposit on our Visa. After not receiving a Full Refund we on XX/XX/XXXX called XXXX and spoke to ( XXXX a Refund Support Team Member ) asking him why we had not received the rest of our refund in the amount of {$2100.00}. He ask for our MasterCard # and then stated that our Credit Card money was used for an XX/XX/XXXX cruise to Hawaii for someone else. He stated that's why there were ( 2 ) credits issued on our Master Card statement because the XXXX cruise did not cost as much as the XXXX XXXX XXXX that WE had booked. He also stated there is no refund due because the Cruise has already happened. ( So we the customer unwillingly paid for someone else 's Cruise ) therefore our Credit Card was used Fraudulently. In XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX of XXXX XXXX XXXX was accused of committing credit card FRAUD. XXXX also stated that XXXX XXXX committed credit card Fraud. Faced with a financial mess XXXX issued refunds but not to everyone. Some customers were told there payments went for trips that had already sailed which included us and many others. We at this point contacted our credit card Bank ( Comenity ) and disputed the charge because our credit card was used Fraudulently and that they should refund the monies we're out. They denied our claim stating it was not Fraud because we had given our credit card # to the merchant. We tried a number of times ( with supporting documents ) to explain that our card was used for someone else 's cruise. They continued to decline. We paid for services ( cruise ) that we did not receive! We have ALL the documents to support our complaint.

Company Response:

State: FL

Zip: 34689

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2021-02-16

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 4142236

Date Received: 2021-02-15

Issue: Attempts to collect debt not owed

Subissue: Debt is not yours

Consumer Complaint: I am a victim of identity theft. Please delete or remove these items on my behalf. These items are not mine and this is greatly affecting me and my personal life. I request that you block the following information and Please let me know if you need any other information from me to block this information from my credit report. Thank you.

Company Response:

State: FL

Zip: 33021

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2021-02-22

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 4140995

Date Received: 2021-02-15

Issue: Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem

Subissue: Difficulty submitting a dispute or getting information about a dispute over the phone

Consumer Complaint: 1. XXXX and XXXX aren't reporting my monthly payment on my student loan. 2. XXXX has on my credit report " Potentially Negative Account '' flagged on a lot of my credit accounts even if I was late 1 time. 3. XXXX has an address listed that I never lived at 4. I can't submit a dispute report to XXXX at all. Very Difficult 5. XXXX has that I have 10 charge off 's on 1 XXXX XXXX Account, I thought you could only chare off an account 1 time. 6. XXXX has another XXXX XXXX Account of mine saying I charged it off 13 times which is inaccurate. Should only be 1 time. 7. XXXX has an account of mine, XXXX XXXX is reporting that I have 2 charge off 's and that's inaccurate. 8. XXXX XXXX is reporting that I was late 6 times and that is inaccurate 9. Information is not being updated on my XXXX Credit file from XXXX and XXXX.

Company Response:

State: MA

Zip: 02121

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2021-02-15

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 4140839

Date Received: 2021-02-15

Issue: Incorrect information on your report

Subissue: Information belongs to someone else

Consumer Complaint: There is an unknown hard inquiry on my credit reports. Im requested the verification of the inquiry and the method of verification. COMENITYCAPITAL/XXXX, XX/XX/2019. For the first time no response came in 15 days company did not provide the following proof : Permissible Purpose My written authorization Proof that I personally initiated these inquiry.

Company Response:

State: CA

Zip: 91423

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2021-03-04

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 4140818

Date Received: 2021-02-15

Issue: Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem

Subissue: Investigation took more than 30 days

Consumer Complaint: I have filed a dispute in regards to the incorrect items on my credit report. It has been well over 30 days and I have not received any investigation results.

Company Response:

State: IL

Zip: 60628

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2021-02-15

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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