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"Products" offered by SHELLPOINT PARTNERS, LLC with at least one, but usually more complaints:

Bank account or service - Other bank product/service
Checking or savings account - Checking account
Checking or savings account - Savings account
Consumer Loan - Installment loan
Consumer Loan - Title loan
Credit card or prepaid card - General-purpose credit card or charge card
Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports - Credit reporting
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports - Credit repair services
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports - Credit reporting
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports - Other personal consumer report
Debt collection - Credit card debt
Debt collection - I do not know
Debt collection - Mortgage
Debt collection - Mortgage debt
Debt collection - Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)
Debt collection - Other debt
Debt collection - Payday loan debt
Debt or credit management - Mortgage modification or foreclosure avoid
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Debt settlement
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Domestic (US) money transfer
Money transfer, virtual currency, or money service - Traveler's check or cashier's check
Mortgage - Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)
Mortgage - Conventional fixed mortgage
Mortgage - Conventional home mortgage
Mortgage - FHA mortgage
Mortgage - Home equity loan or line of credit
Mortgage - Home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC)
Mortgage - Manufactured home loan
Mortgage - Other mortgage
Mortgage - Other type of mortgage
Mortgage - Reverse mortgage
Mortgage - USDA mortgage
Mortgage - VA mortgage
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan - Installment loan
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan - Personal line of credit
Payday loan, title loan, or personal loan - Title loan
Payday loan, title loan, personal loan, or advance loan - Personal line of credit
Payday loan, title loan, personal loan, or advance loan - Title loan
Vehicle loan or lease - Loan

Select another page to read more about how -real people- receive -real harm- from these banks, credit bureaus, and others.
Complaint ID: 7750667

Date Received: 2023-10-24

Issue: Struggling to pay mortgage

Subissue: Trying to communicate with the company to fix an issue related to modification, forbe

Consumer Complaint: My husband and I moved here in XXXX and we started the purchase process for our new home located at ( lot XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX also known as XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, Illinois XXXX in XXXX of XXXX. We put down {$15000.00} at closing and that left {$210000.00} that extended our credit 12 CFR ( XXXX ) XXXX. We were not aware that this put a first lien on our home, XXXX XXXX. Now they want to foreclose on me, with this new contract I received today, and I was doing what I was guided to do by Shellpoint. The down payment was part of our anniversary gift. We closed on XX/XX/XXXX. My husband XXXX. XXXX XXXX passed away on XX/XX/XXXX. He never had a chance to enjoy our home, because he was so sick, he was XXXX for 8 months prior to his passing away. We worked hard for this home, not to be taken away due to so many breaches of contracts. I knew that I had to get all my business in order after the loss of my husband, so I called Shellpoint and asked what our payment was and about some concerns I had seen in our contract. I noticed the MIN # XXXX and below that XXXX phone # XXXX so I called on XX/XX/XXXX, and asked can you explain what a XXXX is, I did not get her name, she proceeded to say we monitor your mortgage payment, " I asked what my standing payments look like, and I asked this because our contract was sold to a debt consolidation agency Shellpoint '', and she said XXXX I can not help you, you need to call your Mortgage company. I said XXXX, they are not willing to answer my questions, and you just told me that you monitor mortgage payments, so why can I not get my information? She got nasty and said I am ending this call and hung up on me. In my contract, it states " XXXX '' is a XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX is a separate corporation that is acting solely as a nominee for Lender and Lender 's successors ( thats me ) and assigns. XXXX is the mortgage under this Security Instrument. Lender " XXXX XXXX XXXX ''. So I reported this to XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX and heard nothing back from them so I sent them another report, but this time I scheduled an appointment for XX/XX/XXXX, at XXXX XXXX XXXX, I waited for a couple of hours and received an email that they wanted me to call them at XXXX XXXX. Now this was already about XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX, so I called the number they left on the email and left a message. At approximately XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX a gentleman called me and he said his name was XXXX and how he could help. I explained to him my experience when I called XXXX and he said that he could not help me and that everything on the site is free information, yes sir that is true, however, there is a place where you can file a complaint and that is what I did and you're telling me that there is nothing that you can help me with, no XXXX. He told me to go back online and file an audit complaint. There is a fee for that. I said wait a minute you're saying you can not help me, and I need to pay for a service to get help. This is why I filed a complaint. He said mame call XXXX at XXXX and tell him XXXX sent you bye. Wait wait sir I am not done, so there is nothing that you want to help me with? No bye, XXXX was very short and rude. So as I continued looking over our contract I came across many discrepancies. It came to my knowledge about forbearance. I was able to make XXXX, XXXX, and XX/XX/XXXXXXXX payments of {$1500.00}, then I was struggling, so they said because of my loss they could help me out with a forbearance they asked if this would help, and I said please explain, so they went on to tell me this is because you're in a hardship and we want to help you out because we know how this has and can affect you. Now what they did not say was that this was going to have to be paid back and or added to the back of our loan. So as a grieving widow, I put all my trust in them, because I felt they were protecting me and our XXXX XXXX, and our best interest was that this is our primary home, however, they have me in default and foreclosure and I want to know how and why? So as I continued to read our contract line per line I noticed many things. First off " banking is NOT money lending ; to lend, a money lender must have money. The fundamental banking activity is accepting, that is, guaranteeing that some party is creditworthy a bank, by accepting a debt instrument, agrees to make specified payments if the debtor will not or can not 12 USC 1431. So then who did we borrow this money from? XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX then sold it to XXXX XXXX XXXX then they sold it to NewRez, and now NewRez has sold it to Shellpoint, a debt collecting agency. Now the ONLY contract we ever signed was XXXX XXXX XXXX, so right there are 4 new contracts one is incomplete without the signatures of either myself, my late husband, our attorney, or the underwriter, and the other 3 contracts where are they? What is the statute of limitations for breach of contract in Illinois? The general rule is that you have five years to sue on an unwritten ( oral ) contract or agreement and ten years on a written contract. The day we were signing our contract the Notary was not present. I asked where she was and the attorney said she would sign and notarize all documents later, I said by law she has to be here to witness and verify our signatures, and our attorney said it was okay ( Security Fraud ). I have noticed that our contract had been sold multiple times and we were not aware, nor did we sign a new contract with the newly established mortgage company NewRez or Shellpoint. Then our contract was sold to a debt collection agency in an attempt to collect a debt. " Newrez LLC dba Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing is a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Newrez LLC dba Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing 's NMLS ID is XXXX. '' Shellpoint Mortgage servicing utilizes third-party providers in connection with the servicing of your loan. Every time I ask about this they have lied to me and say they are not a debt collecting agency. They will not give me a reason as to why that is. I said I have never been late nor am I behind so why am I in collections? XXXX said that they work within NewRez therefore they are not a third-party debt collector, but any debt in collections is a third party. I have found so many breaches of contract XXXX ILCS XXXX. XXXX negligence contributing to forged signature or alteration of the instrument, where they forged my son 's initials 5-109 Fraud and Forgery, time at our previous residence was incorrect, and our SSI amounts that we made, they put my husband as making {$1600.00} and he was ONLY making {$1200.00} and had me at making {$1900.00} and I only made {$900.00}, they took our SSI award letters and did ( security fraud ) by changing the number to fit their numbers, XXXX. SSA UCC Article 8 Investment Securities ( 1994 ). 8 U.S. Code 1324c - Penalties for document fraud They said that our son was a dependent and that is not true. Documents were not signed, and our names were not done correctly First, Middle, Last. No signature from our attorney. The Affidavit of Title is not our name. We are not dead XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX ( not subject to military law ) I am a living person XXXX XXXX I do not identify as 14th, nor the 16th amendment. Why is my husband 's name ONLY on some of these pages of the contract if we both should be on all documents and why did they have to use our son 's name and social Security status? Again to finagle with the contract ( security fraud ). When we signed our contract we were NOT told that they put a lean out on it, when they said we were approved for the loan no money was exchanged into our hands that is where the lean came from. 12 USC 8 3A when we signed our documents on XX/XX/XXXX, within 45 days from that date our home was paid in full, with our XXXX XXXX. ( security fraud ) what they did was monetize our loan behind our backs. What does monetize mean? In the banking sector, monetize may be used to mean the process of turning an asset into legal tender. It can also be used informally to mean the exchange of possession for a cash equivalent such as charging fees for intellectual property or selling a security interest. What do you mean by legal tender? Legal tender is anything recognized by law as a means to settle a public or private debt or meet a financial obligation, including tax payments, contracts, and legal fines or damages. What is the exchange of possession for a cash equivalent? Cash equivalents are securities that are meant for short-term investing. Normally, they have solid credit quality and are highly liquid. True to their name, they are considered equivalent to cash because they can be converted to actual cash quickly. Credit quality is a measure of the financial solvency of an individual or an entity such as a company or a government. Specifically, it is an evaluation of the ability of that person or entity to repay their debts. Our very own trust money was what paid for the down payments and the loan, however, there should have been no down payment 12 CFR ( XXXX ) XXXX, if our credit was extended 15USC 1662. So Shellpoint is double dipping and wants more money. On legal documents, our attorney scratched out our information and put her information ( security fraud ) ,8 U.S. Code 1324c - Penalties for document fraud. It also states that we purchased this property ( lot XXXX in XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX also known as XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, Illinois XXXX for {$10.00}. How can we qualify for FHA Loan # XXXX MIC # XXXX ( first-time home buyers ) 42 U.S. 12852 when this is our 3rd home purchase? And also have a HUD Addendum to Uniform Residential Loan Application? Now we are at 6 breach of contracts. We were never aware of a HUD Application Loan and there are NO signatures. Part IV ( page 3 ) Direct Endorsement Approval for a HUD FHA- Insured Mortgage was NOT signed by the underwriter, nor was the Mortgagee 's Certification signed nor dated there are 8 breaches of contract and that number keeps increasing. There were documents that were not in our package that I found online and printed them and they were important documents. Our payment statements came as follows : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. After my husband passed I sent them his death certificate within 5 business days and he passed on XX/XX/XXXX, and on XX/XX/XXXX, everything started coming as follows : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX. 9-202 Title to Collateral Immaterial, my contract says that I have given my home ; my primary residence as collateral, no I did not, and again was not explained. I have a XXXX XXXX son. I would never agree to something like this. When we went in to sign these documents our attorney was speaking so fast that we did not know or understand and when we asked questions she would get frustrated and say we needed to hurry up. I have another appointment. My husband was very sick ; he was XXXX. At this point, he was just doing what our attorney was asking because he was so tired and needed to get back home. Back on XX/XX/XXXX, I called Shellpoint and spoke with XXXX XXXX. I asked her for a copy of my entire contract with them, not once was anything mentioned to me that my home was in foreclosure or default 15 USC1692 ( 1 ), which I knew there wasnt a contract because we never signed any new contracts. However, she said I would send you the closing documents, I said no I want the entire contract from A-Z, and she said I would receive it in 7 days, here we are on XXXX the XXXX and I do not have that contract, however, I have a new contract loan # XXXX that was delivered today XX/XX/XXXX, by XXXX for {$20000.00}. I called Shellpoint and spoke with XXXX XXXX. I asked her what this new claim was for and she said that it was for the {$20000.00} to be added to the back of your loan, then why did you take out another contract ( bond ) if this was going to the back of my loan :? Now again this has extended my credit 12 CFR ( XXXX ) XXXX, upon my knowledge as of today. This was never brought to my attention until today, you said that I qualified for this new program, and that was it. How did I qualify for this loan? XXXX said those are the questions I asked you over the phone. I said are you serious? You did not explain what you were doing nor inform me that this is what you were doing, and I just got this new claim in the mail. Who is the XXXX? XXXX said that it is the program that you qualified for, how when I did not authorize this and my credit score is in the low XXXX and I have tried to get a loan at the bank and was denied because of my credit, so please tell me how I qualify for {$20000.00} because I don't, I only receive {$19000.00} a year from SSD, again ( security fraud. ) I was never told that this was the process that they were taking, they said I quote " This is going to the back of your loan '', so you want me to pay an additional {$20000.00} on top of {$210000.00} which comes to a grand total of {$230000.00} To which I did not agree too. She said this changes nothing about your existing loan, but it does because the numbers do not add up. If I take this even further in my contract it states by the end of my maturity date XX/XX/XXXXXXXX we would have paid {$340000.00} thats without this new claim. At the end, I am going to put some numbers together and they do not add up. There are no numbers the same. Where is this application that I called about? That you said I qualified for and Yalls approved me? I never signed anything, but their cover letter says I quote ; ( Congratulations, you are approved for a Standalone Partial Claim. ) Their form of application is talking over the phone and answering some questions. I said no, that is not an application XXXX, I didnt autograph anything giving you or your corporation to approve me or to extend my line of credit 12 CFR ( XXXX ) XXXX. What does claim mean state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof. I told XXXX I wanted the contract that I requested back on XX/XX/XXXX, to be XXXX out to me and she said I could not do that I said I have the right to request what's mine and how I want it delivered, she said that's impossible. Okay, I understand no worries I'll go Public and Press the Record. Here they are still claiming off my deceased husband. We recently completed an evaluation of your application, for loss mitigation ( the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something. ) assistance and we are pleased to inform you that you are approved for a standalone Partial Claim, what application? I filled nothing out nor agreed in writing, meaning to make a contract it takes 2 people 2 signatures. She gave very detailed instructions on filling out this new contract that I did not agree to. I was to date everything as it is dated on the contract XX/XX/XXXX, ( security fraud ) and we know that is not the correct date, ( ALL dates on signature lines and acknowledgments must MATCH ). At the top of page 1 of 3, it says in bold lettering ( ILLINOIS PARTIAL CLAIM NOTE SECONDARY LIEN ) What is a second mortgage loan or " junior-lien ''? A second mortgage or junior lien is a loan you take out using your house as collateral while you still have another loan secured by your house. I did not agree to this, and this was not discussed with me on the phone so, XXXX XXXX said you qualify for this new program, instead of paying all this lump sum of {$19000.00} we are going to just tack it to the back of your loan. Then why do I have a new contract? That I did not consent to? A standalone Partial Claim is a XXXX-interest, so why is this {$20000.00} if there is NO interest as of XX/XX/XXXX, it shows {$19000.00} there is a difference of {$500.00}, and this is a subordinate lien from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ( HUD ) and has to be paid in full upon maturity of the primary note on or before XX/XX/XXXX, primary note and related mortgage, deed or similar Security Instrument are no longer insured by the Secretary. My husband and I locked in our interest rate and payment, for our protection so it could only go down never up. They have my payments going up to {$1500.00}, but this new contract loan # XXXX statement says I can resume making EXISTING monthly payments and that is in the amount of {$1500.00}. And she said that {$1500.00} is for XX/XX/XXXX, starting XX/XX/XXXX, your new payment will be {$1500.00} for a year then it will go down to {$1500.00}. Wait BUT you just told me that nothing in the existing loan changed, but it has in so many ways, without my authorization or autograph. You're telling me this is not a new loan but on this new claim that you just sent me for the {$20000.00} then why does it have the word borrower? What does the word borrower mean? For the purpose of this subsection, the term borrower means an individual who is a new borrower on the date such individual applies for a loan under this part for which the first disbursement is made on or after. 20 USC 1087e ( f ) ( 3 ) So this is telling me there has been a change, Where's that change on paper? ALL this is from losing not just my husband, but loss of his income. This is what Shellpoint called Forbearance. So on this new contract, they are still claiming on my deceased husband 's SSI # and you can not claim on a dead person, why is his name not on this new contract whether he was the head of household deceased or not, because you said, XXXX XXXX, that this doesn't change the existing contract, but it does, because youre still using his SS # and his information. How can I qualify for this loan when I ONLY make {$19000.00} a year? seized In a legal context, seized may be used to refer to a situation in which the government has taken forcible possession of the property, as in seized property. For instance, the US Department of Treasury makes auctions of seized property for sale throughout the United States. So you're taking something that is legally mine as a consumer because it was fully and totally paid for when we signed our documents within those 45 days. Page 3 of 5 in bold writing ( REQUEST FOR NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND FORECLOSURE UNDER SUPERIOR MORTGAGE OR DEEDS OF TRUST ) 15 USC1692 ( 1 ) this is news to me, no one has brought this to my attention, nor have I seen any paperwork in regards to default, foreclosure, nor have I seen any paperwork that this has EVER been sold to a DEBT COLLECTION AGENCY, as a consumer I have those rights. {$210000.00} ( credit ) if these are credits why are they adding and not misusing + {$12000.00} ( credit ) ______________ {$230000.00} ( total ) this should read {$200000.00} {$230000.00} - {$15000.00} ( down payment ) __________________ {$210000.00} ( tota ) {$230000.00} ( new amount ) + {$20000.00} ( new claim as of XX/XX/XXXXXXXX ) _________________ {$250000.00} ( total ) {$340000.00} ( this is what we will pay at the end of the term w/o the additional {$20000.00} ) {$20000.00} ( new clam XX/XX/XXXXXXXX _________________ {$360000.00} ( this will be a 30-year maturity in XX/XX/XXXXXXXX )

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law

State: IL

Zip: 60046

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-10-24

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 7748787

Date Received: 2023-10-24

Issue: Problem with a company's investigation into an existing problem

Subissue: Their investigation did not fix an error on your report

Consumer Complaint: Date Series of events ( XXXX Loan # XXXX ) XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX - home unlivable due to flood and wind damage XXXX Shellpoint loan forbearance offer XXXX & XX/XX/XXXX loan payments delayed with the understanding of deferment to follow ( add missed payments to the end of the existing mortgage loan ) XXXX Shellpoint request for information re : loan deferment XXXX XXXX hardship letter submitted XXXX Shellpoint requests more information XXXX Shellpoint requests more information XXXX XXXX hardship letter revised ( more detail ) XXXX Shellpoint mishandled our document submission - resubmitted XXXX Shellpoint denied deferment due to Incomplete case file aged over XXXX XXXX - we stated that it was Shellpoint 's slowness that caused the open file XXXX Shellpoint requested additional current info and continued deferment processing XXXX Shellpoint countered the deferment ; offered loan modification ( higher interest rate ) XXXX we said we want them to finish the deferment approval XXXX Shellpoint re-submitted all deferment file to the investor for review XXXX Shellpoint requested new/current bank XXXX XXXX Submitted requested new/current bank statements XXXX Shellpoint said to disregard previous Incomplete Notice XXXX Shellpoint informed us that they have re-submitted deferment request and the process would require 5 days XXXX Shellpoint informed us that the deferment request continues but declares the loan is now delinquent XXXX We received a XXXX credit alert that Shellpoint reported us as delinquent ; Shellpoint did not communicate with us that they were preparing to report us. Had we known, we would have immediately paid the approved forbearance amount ( see XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX We emailed Shellpoint that we have made all post forbearance mortgage payments timely ( XXXX XXXX ) ; Shellpoint 's protracted deferment process is the root cause of their system delinquency XXXX We emailed Shellpoint requesting removal of their negative credit report XXXX We paid the arrears in full and emailed Shellpoint that we no longer trusted them XXXX We submitted a complaint to Shellpoint management, as instructed by XXXX, and were told that a Supervisor would contact us ; no Supervisor has contacted us as of this date XXXX Shellpoint informed us that they had the right to report our delinquency and did not accept responsibility for the time lag ; in their letter, they mentioned that the deferment process was ongoing when we made the arrears payment XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX I spoke to XXXX. We've continued our timely mortgage payments for the past 4 months. We hoped that Shellpoint would take notice that we are not a credit risk. I asked her how we can pray for Shellpoint relief related to the two late payment notices on our credit report. We have learned that my XXXX score has suffered greater than 100 points due to the two late payment credit reports. She said to submit our request to Loan Services. XXXX Shellpoint provided a letter restating that Shellpoint had every right to report the two late payments. However, Shellpoint did not address the single central issue. They admit that our request for deferment was active and being reviewed. Without notice, while we were waiting for their decision, we were reported as being late. We were not told that the deferment would require late payment notice to the credit bureaus. XXXX XXXX I spoke with a Shellpoint representative. I explained that the issue of being late was due to Shellpoint, not us. We were waiting patiently for Shellpoint 's decision to defer the payments. The 2 late payments were Shellpoint 's fault, not ours. I was provided a XXXX # XXXX and told I could call back for status updates. A new review would require 2-3 weeks. I do not believe that Shellpoint will understand and accept blame.

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law

State: FL

Zip: 33914

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-10-24

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 7747076

Date Received: 2023-10-24

Issue: Incorrect information on your report

Subissue: Account information incorrect

Consumer Complaint: On XX/XX/2023, XXXX XXXX notified me that they would no longer service my loan as of XX/XX/2023. Please see attached document. The new servicer of my loan became New Rez as of XX/XX/2023. I sold the property on XX/XX/2023. I no longer own the property, but both XXXX XXXX and New Rez have failed to properly update the credit agencies that a mortgage no longer exists on the property. My credit reports are all showing mortgages for a property that I no longer own. I have filed disputes with the credit agencies, but my credit reports are still not being updated.

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law

State: PA

Zip: 19406

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-10-24

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 7744634

Date Received: 2023-10-23

Issue: Struggling to pay mortgage

Subissue: Applying for or obtaining a modification, forbearance plan, short sale, or deed-in-li

Consumer Complaint: I am a veteran and have a VA Loan. Due to hardships relating to XXXX I lost my job and used up all my savings until I found another job. As a result my mortgage fell behind. I contacted my servicer Shellpoint to start the process of a loan modification a year ago. I have supplied all required documentation ask of me every single month leading up to my most recent submission XX/XX/XXXX. Every single month they continue to ask for information and my file has never reached an underwriter for a decision as to any home retain programs that are available to. XX/XX/XXXX, they requested additional information that has already been provided ; I have provided Profit and Loss Statements up through XX/XX/XXXX for my 1099 business and now they are asking me to create a profit and loss statement for all my clients that I serve although most of my income goes through my primary account. I don't understand why I need to create a Profit and Loss for each client I have as it's under one business. My income is already reported on my tax returns for the business and not per client. They have received all bank statements through XX/XX/XXXX, paystubs through XX/XX/XXXX, and my file has yet to reach an underwriter for consideration. This " Request for Documents '' has been going on month and after month and now I have a foreclosure sale date on my home for XX/XX/XXXX. I have uploaded and e-mailed all documents required of me. As one document they ask for is provided, another document expires and this has been the vicious for over a year now.

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law

State: PA


Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-10-23

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 7744120

Date Received: 2023-10-23

Issue: Trouble during payment process

Subissue: Trying to communicate with the company to fix an issue while managing or servicing yo

Consumer Complaint: NewRez bought the mortgage on our loan and sent us a letter stating where the payments should be sent. The initial paperwork listed an account number of XXXX and after we sent the payment, the next mortgage payment had account number XXXX. We made payments for the mortgage but were then harassed with numerous phone calls, emails and letters stating that we were behind on our mortgage payments. On XX/XX/2023, Amount : - {$3100.00} Sent to : Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing Posted Date : XX/XX/2023 Transaction Type : ACH PMT Original Description : NEWREZ-SHELLPOIN ACH PMT XXXX On XX/XX/2023, CHECK # XXXX - Account Number- XXXX Checking XXXX Posted XXXX XXXX, Amount {$3200.00}. On XX/XX/2023, Amount : - {$3200.00} Sent to : XXXX Posted Date : XX/XX/2023 Transaction Type : ONLINE PMT Original Description : NEWREZ LLC ONLINE PMT XXXX Additional Details : ACH WITHDRAWAL Throughout the time in question, we have received emails, telephone calls and regular mail stating our account is behind or that we missed a payment. When we tried creating an account with NEWREZ online, we had two account numbers we were provided and it took numerous phone calls to finally receive the account number XXXX. We have attempted calling to resolve the issue with NewRez and each time we are told that the company will launch an investigation to the issue and that our record in NewRez will be annotated as being paid and under investigation. We were never given any transaction/account verification that the investigation occurred. We continued receiving telephone calls stating we were late or behind on payments. And our record did not have any notes on it regarding an investigation which we would spend over an hour explaining the issue and told that someone would look into it. We have updated XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX 's Bill Paying account to reflect the address and the account number as provided by NEWREZ. I am still receiving letters and emails stating that my account is behind and that I missed payments. I have sent NewRez copies of my bank statements and payment information to show that I have made the payments. As a XXXX XXXXXXXX veteran, I maintain my credit standing to ensure I retain my security clearance and do not take risks that would place my credit standing in any negative position. Having a financial institute state that I am late or behind on payments would do so.

Company Response: Company believes the complaint provided an opportunity to answer consumer's questions

State: FL


Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-10-23

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 7743403

Date Received: 2023-10-24

Issue: Trouble during payment process

Subissue: Payment process

Consumer Complaint: My mortgage was transferred to Shellpoint in XXXX of XXXX and they purchased my loan from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX also know as XXXX XXXX. The first few payments were made with no issues as they have been for XXXX straight months since we purchased the home in XXXX. During this time we were never notified by Shellpoint at all besides the original letter of them taking over the mortgage. We never received a mortgage statement digitally or via Mail for the Months of XXXX through XXXX. Our first ever statement was sent to us not until XX/XX/XXXX showing a statement closing date of XX/XX/XXXX after this entire mess has started and was already in motion. Apparently for a reason we still don't know my payment in XXXX or XXXX we still don't know failed or was not taken from my bank like the prior payments have been. We were never notified by mail or by phone by Shellpoint at any point in time during this issue. We were never aware for any reason that the payment did not post as scheduled. All mortgage documents are in My name. My wife is on the deed for the house but not on the mortgage itself. Since she is going through a personal Bankruptcy Shellpoint took it upon itself to stop communication with me in regards to my mortgage which I might ad was never late or Delinquent. They never responded about the failed payment. The following month the payment was made again as scheduled. However due to the failed payment we were no delinquent even thought we made the following months payment. We finally started received the statements again as stated above in XXXX XXXX. Even when finally calling the bank in XXXX and trying to fix what happen Shellpoint refused to give me information about my account blaming it on my wife 's Bankruptcy. We believe the bank to be extremely negligent with incorrect data regrind the loan and the payments and the complete lack of transparency and communication regarding the loan. Even after figuring out what happen on my own and getting the mortgage caught up immediately they still hit my credit report with 30 Day late Payments for the months of XXXX and XXXX of XXXX. I reached out to have a full investigation done on my account and my requests have been ignored by all sending multiple emails to there dispute resolution department at XXXX This chain of events has caused me sever financial loss. By reporting my credit file in this manner they have caused several credit lines of mine to get reduced and loan opportunities to be withdrawn. There negative actions have caused me sever finical short term harm to my credit file and credit score due to there neglect and failure to handle the account in the proper fashion. We have never seen such lack of regard to how an account is handled. With no communication with the customer. We are requesting a full investigation being opened into this matter by someone of the executive team of Shellpoint. There process needs to be reviewed for serious flaws to customers and lack of communication and reporting. After our account is reviewed we are hoping they do the right thing and fix our credit reports with false miss leading information. Which was a result of them handling the situation improperly from the start. We have counsel ready to help us on this matter if we can not rectify through dispute resolution first.

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law

State: NY

Zip: 12533

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-10-24

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 7737673

Date Received: 2023-10-21

Issue: Trouble during payment process

Subissue: Fees charged

Consumer Complaint: I use online bill pay to make my monthly mortgage payments. I typically pay my mortgage within the first few days of each month ( XXXX or so ). In XXXX, I submitted a payment to NewRez ( servicer ) on the XXXX. The XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ) confirms that a check was produced and mailed on the XXXX. I live in XXXX, OR and NewRez is apparently in XXXX, TX. According to my XXXX account, the funds were taken out on XX/XX/XXXX and at that point I no longer had access to them. However, NewRez says they did not receive / open / credit the payment until XX/XX/XXXX, which resulted in a late fee of {$140.00}. I talked to them twice to explain the situation but they will not remove the fee. It is inexplicable to me that a. ) a payment takes XXXX weeks to travel from XXXX to XXXX ; b. ) the funds came out of my account a week earlier ; c. ) neither USPS nor NewRez, both multi-billion dollar operations will take accountability for these inexcusable delays and a dude from XXXX is stuck with a {$140.00} fine when he did everything right. I find it exceedingly unlikely that the check actually took 14 days to traverse XXXX miles and suspect it was received by NewRez well in advance of the XXXX. If so, and it took them a week to process the check, that's on them, not me. Either way, I have no intention of paying this fine when I did everything the way it's supposed to be done. NewRez receives my payment every month and has for 3 plus years. They make money servicing loans, which in and of itself is parasitic. NewRez does not own my loan, they took no risk in making it, yet still manage to make money simply by cashing checks and looking for excuses to charge people fees. It's absurd. And to top it off, I'd be willing to bet almost nobody who works there answering calls makes a living wage.

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law

State: OR

Zip: 97217

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-10-21

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 7734813

Date Received: 2023-10-20

Issue: Struggling to pay mortgage

Subissue: Trying to communicate with the company to fix an issue related to modification, forbe

Consumer Complaint: My mortgage is approximately {$13000.00} past due and I owe a five-month payment. Shellpoint Mortgage Services requires at least a three-month payment to bring my account within 60 days. I have scheduled a payment of {$8100.00} on XX/XX/2023 to bring the account within 60 days thus avoiding a foreclosure. I am asking Shellpoint Mortgage Services not to refer my loan to a foreclosure between now and XX/XX/2023. Alternatively, I can make two monthly payments right the way and one payment on XX/XX/XXXX. My objective is to avoid my loan going in the foreclosure. Shellpoint Mortgage Service is not taking two-monthly payment now plus a third payment on XX/XX/XXXX. Shellpoint Mortgage Company is not putting on hold sending my account to foreclosure until the scheduled three payment clear on XX/XX/2023. Then revisit the situation. Shellpoint Mortgage Service is keeping me nervous and hanging which is a clear malpractice.

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law

State: TX

Zip: 77389

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-10-20

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 7733546

Date Received: 2023-10-21

Issue: Trouble during payment process

Subissue: Escrow, taxes, or insurance

Consumer Complaint: On XX/XX/2023, I contacted NewRez, LLC, regarding an overpayment of property taxes. Upon reviewing NewRez 's annual escrow statement, I noticed they had made property tax payments for both parcel XXXX and parcel XXXX. My wife, XXXX XXXX, and I own both parcels. NewRez holds the mortgage on parcel XXXX, which is located at XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX XXXX. XXXX XXXX XXXX holds the mortgage on parcel XXXX, which is located at XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX XXXX. It has come to my attention that NewRez, LLC and XXXX XXXX XXXX have made duplicate county tax payments for parcel XXXX for the past three years. I have provided ample documentation to NewRez, LLC to show that they are paying taxes erroneously for parcel XXXX, but they have not yet resolved the issue. Despite my efforts, NewRez, LLC issued another erroneous payment for parcel XXXX on XX/XX/2023. NewRez, LLC has repeatedly closed my inquiry without notice or resolution, leaving me frustrated and uncertain about the outcome. Their lack of communication and action is unacceptable and has caused me unnecessary stress and inconvenience. I urge them to take immediate action to address my concerns and promptly resolve this matter.

Company Response: Company believes the complaint provided an opportunity to answer consumer's questions

State: IN

Zip: 46201

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-10-21

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with monetary relief

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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Complaint ID: 7729090

Date Received: 2023-10-19

Issue: Problem with a company's investigation into an existing problem

Subissue: Their investigation did not fix an error on your report

Consumer Complaint: Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing CHANGED information previously reported as accurate, on my Credit report more than a year after the account was closed I believe this was done maliciously in coordination with XXXX XXXX to cover up sloppy bookeeping. Dates of payments received were changed XX/XX/XXXX AFTER I disputed information from my Credit report that showed XX/XX/XXXX payment was paid & verified as ACCURATE by XXXX XXXX XXXX from XX/XX/XXXX through XX/XX/XXXX. My rights under FCRA are being violated. The information provided in my credit reports ( XXXX XXXX XXXX ) are unfair, inaccurate, incomplete & totally unverifiable!

Company Response: Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law

State: NY

Zip: 14228

Submitted Via: Web

Date Sent: 2023-10-19

Company Response to Consumer: Closed with explanation

Timely Response: Yes

Consumer Disputed: N/A

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